Many years ago in my 20's, before I was diagnosed with AS (the first time), I moved in with the only woman I've ever had. We'd been living together for some time and I really missed my alone time. So one day whilst she was at work, I took the day off to be home alone and apparently, I wrote in a diary/textbook that "Although I do like Kathy's company, I much prefer it when she goes to work and I can be alone!" Well, you guessed it. Some months later, she found it and she was so upset and hurt! But knowing me, I guess she kind of understood... I think.
I guess even back then, even though I didn't know I was an Aspie, it didn't change the fact that I was an Aspie and acted in Aspie ways. That's just me.
Even at school, people would befriend me but I would still do whatever I wanted (usually go to the Library or talk to the older people) but as soon the friends went/moved away, I'd forget about them. In hindsight, I think I've lost some decent people over the years but it never worried me at the time. I've always likened it to having horse blinkers on. As soon as they move to far to the left or right and they're not right in front of me for any length of time, I forget about them. It's not like I do it on purpose. I just get so caught up in my (what I know now is my) Special Interests, nothing else seems to exist and I'd forget about them. I've never really valued friendship at all, ever. I don't need friends. They cramp my style!
Even now, all I've got is 2 'drinking buddies' who keep throwing themselves at me but I'd be happier if they'd just forget about me. I really cherish my alone time. Always have. Always will!