Most of the time, I dont go searching for any of them... they come to me. But usually I can at least spot where/when they happened.
My interest in gaming, that's always been there. Always. My parents bought an Atari 2600 shortly before I was born (I've never been able to figure out WHY) and that became mine when I was like, 3 or so. So from as early as I can remember, I was a gamer. I still play those ancient games, by the way. I never stopped playing them, yay for emulation.
My aptitude with dogs and other animals also started early, I had a dog while growing up. I try not to talk about him too much though, I get all sad every time even after all these years. Overall though, a lot of experience and interactions with dogs. Eventually I had cats too, once I mysteriously (and abruptly) got over my original cat allergy. That still doesnt make sense but I learned to stop questioning that.
Some other interests are much more recent.
Cosplay came about partly because of my gender issues, but also because I tend to develop character obsessions. Now, why exactly I get attached to any given character, I've never been able to say (with like, two exceptions) but once that connection clicks, it's very strong.
Board games, that's another thing, technically I always liked those but back when I was a kid, there was never anyone to play them with and they were a bit too simple in any case. You know... typical mass market games from like, Hasbro or whatever company makes them. Roll & move games. I discovered board games proper just a few years ago (maybe 5, I think). I ran into a game on Steam called Sentinels of the Multiverse... bonus points to anyone who recognizes that name. First time I'd ever seen a board/card game that could be played solo or cooperative, instead of competitive. The same developer also put out a digital version of a game called Aeon's End, but while Sentinels had ALL of the content available, Aeon's End only had the tiniest bit as the digital version was still in development. But I wanted all the content, and if I wanted that, I had to order actual physical copies. Being an impulse spender I ordered all of it at once (and there's a lot of it) and once I'd gotten the experience of playing that, I quickly found out what the board game hobby could REALLY be like. I now have a large collection of games, all of which are playable solo, and all of which have wildly varying amounts of content. I recently managed to get my hands on most of the physical version of Sentinels, the one that got this going for me. This hobby in particular has been very, very beneficial as it is something that encourages a lot of arm/shoulder movement (aka, it's good in that it helps with my physical issues) but also, it has a lovely tactile aspect that works as a great stim. And it keeps me mentally engaged. The only thing I dont like is the idea of sleeving cards. I do that only very, very, very rarely, and it's got to be a game that has cards which are shuffled REALLY often. And it cant have too many of them. No way I could sleeve Sentinels, there's multiple large boxes absolutely stuffed with cards, I dont know how anyone ever sleeves that without going insane.
Art, that one was sort of suggested by family... but while I've had art supplies for awhile now, it wasnt until very recently that I REALLY started going at it. Getting a proper art desk (you know, those tilting ones) and finally a PROPER lamp was what truly did it. The tilting table means I dont wreck myself hunching over whatever I'm making, and the lamp, well... the room I'm sitting in is/was a theater room. Like, the previous owners of the house were REALLY into movies. Giant wooden letters that spell "HOLLYWOOD" on the wall and a full-on theater curtain instead of a door. But also, the screwball lighting, deep dark red walls, and the ceiling is black. So, it's not conductive to making art. Finally getting the funky bendable lamp thing (attaches to the table) made a huge difference, finally giving me a proper light source (and an adjustable one, at that). So that put the hobby into overdrive now, and I'm loving that.
Drones, now, those were a suggestion from my father. I'm not sure WHY, but... I've got a whole bunch of them now. Didnt question the "why", you see, haha. They're fun, though they can be frustrating at times. I actually learned to fly them not in some big park, but in the basement of the house we lived in before this one. That basement was a freaking cavern, so there was plenty of space to use the one I practiced with at the start. That specific drone is bloody indestructible, I'm convinced of it. It crashed into everything. It is still undamaged. I dont understand. Best not to ask questions, probably.
And lastly, much like
@SusanLR mentioned, a bit of an interest in paranormal stuff. That one definitely came to me, whether I wanted it to or not. As with many other things... I may as well roll with it, yeah?
There, sorry, that was super long, I'm done rambling now.