I have been.told by quite a few people that I am "wise and compassionate". I think this is due to my suffering, disadvantage and cognitive ability and my stick-a-bility, which all come as a result of having this Aspie brain/endocrine sensory wiring.
It is both a blessing and a curse, because it's brought me much misery, hardship, exclusion and being scapegoated, as an "easy" or a "soft" target, but, I love being me.
What is the point of not loving me when I am already so marginalized? I love that I love learning. Absorbing information of my special interests or hobbies is so fun! I recoil at the histronics and hyperbolic manipulation that I notice in people who value power-overing others, while I lack the guile and desire to behave in a less-than-honest way or manipulative manner.
I don't need popularity, because I've had a lifetime of being denied it, no matter how hard I try to fit in with the NT dominated social landscape, and I've learnt to love and value the freedom and peace of a quiet life.
I enjoy my accomplishments, I'm not technologically gifted, but I am artistically and intellectually gifted. I live in my mind a lot, but it feels safer and more interesting than the world of trying to conform and fit in.
Sure, I still experience plenty of disadvantages, socially, being so sensitive, haven't learnt to drive yet and I'm in my 40's, haven't got a job, friends are very hard to come by and I'm not good at keeping friendships going, I'm, financially, in the bottom rung of society, just above homeless people and criminals, but, I have stopped trying to mask, now, and it's so liberating!
I have a lover/best friend who makes me very, very happy, most days, I'm, biologically, as a progenerator of my genetics, very, exceptionally, successful, I'm a high quality artistic (autistic) person of various mediums and that "wisdom" people speak of, when they describe me? came because of my autistic focus and drive and determination to develop it, and, wisdom is a wonderful "thing" to have a taste of, and to build on.
It brings peace of mind and what could be better?