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Do you do the Aspie Stare?

I haven't been officially diagnosed yet either but yes my family and friends called me "space case" growing up still do it all the time
How many of you guys/gals do the Aspie Stare when having your photograph taken? Does anyone actually smile?

For those who don't know, the Aspie Stare is basically a blank/default expression on your face.

Myself, I always seem to do it and rarely smile in photographs. I have actually forced myself to smile a few times but the result looked goofy. I've noticed that in photographs of me I nearly always do the same pose/expression.

I can not smile without a lot of practice. Below are photos of me at 16 and 60 years of age.


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Here’s me smiling for a photo with my sisters. This photo is from early March. Make up your own mind.

*edit*. Often when I am enjoying myself immensely, people think I’m bored because my face doesn’t communicate too well with my brain. Other times the overwhelming joy comes out of me in an inappropriate manner and it can be embarrassing. Although I don’t know it’s embarrassing until someone tells me.

Example: If I’m in a cafe and get a really good hot chocolate, I will tell the waitress and anyone within ear shot how good it is. My wife will kick me gently under the table and then whisper “It’s just a hot chocolate”, but it isn’t. It’s an amazing experience that is beyond normal and I simply must share that joy.
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I prefer not to smile if I do it looks very weird and people comment. It's fine if I look past the camera though.

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