While it is polite to say good morning in the workplace setting I often used to sing it was meaningless and people didn’t really care but I had a good morning and I never really cared if Wireless is polite to say good morning in the workplace setting I often used to sing it was meaningless and people didn’t really care but I had a good morning and I never really cared if they did.I realise I am not social, but, really don't care.
If someone passing by says Goodmorning or even just Hi, I will reply, although I don't care to
unless it is someone I know.
I never make the first acknowledgement.
But, I can and do return theirs. And, yes, sometimes they want more and will say something
like it looks like rain today.
I will reply something like, "Yes, it certainly does."
These social greetings are expected I suppose. It doesn't bother me if they slip on by without
saying anything.
The one greeting I dread is the asking of how I am I doing today.
This usually happens formally at a doctor's appointment when the nurse calls you in.
I don't know or should say I do know what they want to hear, but, I don't want to say it.
So, I don't. They get a nod and a smile and maybe an OK.
It makes me wonder if people actually want that connection upon seeing another human,
or were they taught this as a child and it became a natural thing to do.
The same with being asked “how are you doing“.
Neuro typical is say a lot of things that they don’t need to insincere things. It is only since I have researched autism and been diagnose but I have realise this, prior to this Neuro typical is say a lot of things that they don’t need to insincere things. It is only since I have researched autism and been diagnose but I have realise this, prior to this are used to feel weird for thinking this I used to feel weird for thinking this.