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Do You Ever Think Out Loud/Talk to Yourself Without Realizing It?


Active Member
I've recently noticed I have this issue where I'll be muttering to myself the thoughts that are in my head (whether they're about a piece of writing I'm doing, a sociological theory, a problem I'm solving, etc.) and I have no notice of it until I realize people are looking at me like I'm batshit insane.

Has anyone here had this issue? How have you combated it? Do you think it's something I should try to quit to seem more normal?
I do this all the time and in the past when I was in school the kids would think I was talking to myself and bully me, I recently did it not long ago and my brother asked who I was talking to and told him I was just thinking out loud,I do it when I'm trying to figure out stuff or planning things and don't worry about other people thinking your not normal I use to worry about and it did more harm than good so please don't stress about thinking out loud.
Only when I'm alone. I don't feel like dealing with peoples weird looks. The car is one of my favourite spots!
All the time. I am mostly able to limit it to when I'm with my kids and husband, but I also tend to do it in the supermarket. Things like, "Where did I put that list?" And so on. Pretty benign stuff. I don't care if people think it's weird. It's who I am and how I work. :)

I do also run through memories or play out possible future conversations aloud when I'm alone. This stuff is strictly for when I'm alone. I've been caught a couple of times... Embarrassing. I'm a visual thinker so when I'm caught up in my mind I literally can almost not see someone coming...so I have to be careful. I find expressing myself verbally quite hard so if there's something important I need to talk about I have a practice run beforehand. This gives me the chance to refine what I want to say, and seems to help me remember the words when I'm actually in the real conversation.
I just realised the question was whether I do it without realising... Hmm yes I do, but I also do it consciously. I wonder if this is related to my inability to stop swearing in front of my kids!!!!
I've recently noticed I have this issue where I'll be muttering to myself the thoughts that are in my head (whether they're about a piece of writing I'm doing, a sociological theory, a problem I'm solving, etc.) and I have no notice of it until I realize people are looking at me like I'm batshit insane.

Has anyone here had this issue? How have you combated it? Do you think it's something I should try to quit to seem more normal?
I tend to go out of my way to appear batshit crazy :p
Then again,it is quite possible that it is the reality of my situation :D
I realize I'm doing it, most of the time anyway. If I'm out in public and start to say something I'll catch myself after one sentence usually. Yesterday a lady at a store gave me a look, because I muttered something about not finding the tank top I was looking for, but so what.
At home I talk to myself all day more or less.
Yes, it helps me to focus and stay on task. Or I do it as a memory aid - if I hear a long number and keep repeating the number to myself, I don't forget it. I'm aware of doing it, and do it on purpose.
I do this a lot when I'm working or when I'm just trying to figure something out. I seem to be able to solve complex problems better if I think out loud. I am not really concerned what other people think, it is just another reason for people to think I'm strange.
It's quit simple actually that's the way us aspies make sense of are thoughts as strange as it is i do the same thing i guess in someway it helps to talk it out
No, I don't.

My dad does though, and his constant (loud) whispering to himself used to drive me bats*** insane whenever I heard it. Something about it just really rubbed me up the wrong way: I didn't want to hear his freaking thoughts!
There is nothing abnormal about talking out loud to oneself.
It can be very helpful.
The odd part of this question, to me, is whether I talk to myself without realizing it?

No, of course not.
That would mean that I wasn't paying attention to myself/
that I was unaware of making audible speech. I would
have to be asleep or have a fever or some other physical
situation like that to be unaware of my own vocalization.
The occasional mutterance is okay: I'm talking about a far more sustained, stream-of-consciousness, conversation with one's self. I don't want to be hearing that if I live in the same house as you: take it to your bedroom or study and, preferably, put on some music or the TV as well.
I sometimes talk to my cat without realizing, or I notice I've been petting my cat for over an hour, with no idea how he got there.

I guess it's just not necessary to filter what I say to a cat, in the end.
There is nothing abnormal about talking out loud to oneself.
It can be very helpful.
The odd part of this question, to me, is whether I talk to myself without realizing it?

No, of course not.
That would mean that I wasn't paying attention to myself/
that I was unaware of making audible speech. I would
have to be asleep or have a fever or some other physical
situation like that to be unaware of my own vocalization.

In my case I get so caught up in what I'm thinking/seeing that I feel that I am there, not here... If I'm reliving a painful (i.e. strong/powerful) memory I tend to see only that before me and the real world is out of sight. I've never worn a google glass thing but I imagine my thoughts are like wearing one, in that I see the real world and my thoughts simultaneously overlaid...but when I am caught up in a memory, the thought layer becomes opaque and the real world fades out. There is sometimes only a dim awareness that what I see isn't the real world. In a similar way to wearing sunglasses allows a tiny bit of full light in at the sides, the real world is there in my peripheral vision.

When this happens I can talk and am aware of it but I don't realise I'm talking to my own visions.

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