Not a question I'd choose to answer, as it requires me to believe in your way of thinking, to be able to answer. That's hardly a level playing field. You're expecting me to believe in your god, and then answer questions relating to it.Got a question for you to ponder. If you ask God who he is. What answer would you expect in return? That we could understand and remember?
I am that I am.
If I say I know God and you say you know God. How do you differentiate from each other? By the written word he leaves behind? Or the materials man writes about him?
Which do you believe? Is it not still faith to believe the materials man make’s versus God’s?
In the end faith is the answer. You choose to believe and by that choice you establish your conception of reality. Until something challenges it. Then you must analyze it threw the lense of the reality you have faith in. Ignoring possible clues of an alternative truth for the justification.
I am however unique in one way. My experience with God came before my knowledge of religion or faith. Before I could speak man’s tongue or his words.
Or read that which was written.
Can you not see how you're going completely against everything I've been writing? In fact, I already mentioned the question of a god having a gender, but you've not addressed that despite using it above, how about a bit of give and take?
Also, I've already said no two peoples gods can be truly compared, and you're asking me to do that very thing, have you actually been reading my posts?
I honestly just don't see any point in an answer beyond that which I've just said, based on my position.