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Do you have any personal "rules" that you go out of your way to follow?

Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

One for me is not drinking alcohol during the day, 1 because of my Diabetes, and 2 because it makes me tired and sleepy.

Also, I try and avoid Political posts on the Internet, particularly International Politics, because I tend to get over involved and a bit upset.

And finally, female acquaintances, contrary to popular belief I am NOT gay, I've just never had a serious relationship with someone of the opposite gender, but I do respect women, like my former carer who left about a month ago, I did like her, a bit in THAT way even she had a child (that's not mine) and is loads too young me for me, she's nearly 22 I'm just turned 42.

So anyway, do you have any personal "rules" that you daren't break?
Make up the bed before I leave the house.

I dare to break the rule, but I'd rather not.

I make up the bed if it is a day when I am staying home, too.
One of my problem is that I dont realy have this kind of rules, I never realy could keep things in order the way a wanted , Iv learned to deal with that maybe thats why I have anxiety a lot(I mean one of the first reason why in chronological order.)

I think i have little hidden rule I dont even know ( well I need to shower a lot for instance.)

What you feel is a rule for you? something that you want to do but force yourself not to? if its that....
Well realy I find it hard to get the point of your question...

Ho, maybe, I like to talk about politics, and its true that I was realy annoying my friend with that because I talk about it even outside of election time , and I kinda a see a political agenda in many things people consider casual.
So I got to shut it sometimes in order to not be boring or annoying, but it was hard to keep my mouth shut at first, now its easier, especially because I kinda gave up any hope in politics.
I do try and run a "tight ship" as far as stuff in my life is concerned, but as most people who know me are aware, I literally couldn't organise a night of debauchery in a Brewery lol.
Kitchen has to be clean, before I go to bed. All food and dishes put away.
Bedroom has to be tidy as does the bathroom.
All cats inside before dark.
Put on pants different than the ones I wore to bed. This is a way to keep the depression away.

Also I have two light switches to the bathroom, the dimmers and the spotlight. I have to tap the dimmers and press the spotlight as many times as I enter and leave, even if only one (these days none) is needed.

Also all groceries need to be placed in a pattern that makes a rectangle on the register. The order has to be dairy and chilled items from heaviest to lightest, dried food and sanitary goods heaviest to lightest, fresh fruits and vegetables from heaviest to lightest. Always in a rectangular pattern.
Vehicles cleaned up, fueled up, tools put up and sorted at least once a week (Usually Saturday morning)
My tomorrow clothes laid out before I go to bed.
Try to find something to be grateful for before I go to sleep, and when I wake up... Not hard, and I hate it when I feel rushed and forget it...
Make my bed when I get up.
Drink full glass (maybe 2 glasses of water) right after I get up. I have no idea why... I'm just thirsty I guess.
All bedding is washed every Saturday. Laundry night is Wednesday night usually.
House is cleaned as I go, but really cleaned on Saturday (if I can make time)
Shower and eat breakfast before I look at my phone or computer, that way if I find something interesting, I can just stop and not be rushed to get ready to go to work.
Don't get on computer at night until my stuff is done, and I have had shower...
All dishes done at every meal... I get grossed out if I don't just do them right then...
There is lots more, but this is the daily stuff and I dislike it when I cant find time to keep some level of organization in my life...
I'm one weird guy for the most part : )
Put on pants different than the ones I wore to bed. This is a way to keep the depression away.

Also I have two light switches to the bathroom, the dimmers and the spotlight. I have to tap the dimmers and press the spotlight as many times as I enter and leave, even if only one (these days none) is needed.

Also all groceries need to be placed in a pattern that makes a rectangle on the register. The order has to be dairy and chilled items from heaviest to lightest, dried food and sanitary goods heaviest to lightest, fresh fruits and vegetables from heaviest to lightest. Always in a rectangular pattern.

I'm a nightmare with food and arranging stuff... Its so sad I even disgusts myself sometimes... However if you want to find something in my house its very easy... I have totally sick organizational skills... If I could only get the stuff this straight in my head... : )
Deadlines and commitments calendar so I can plan the order of things to do the next day. Make a timeline in my mind.
Lay out clothes that are apropo the night before.
Breakfast and shower first thing in morning.
Don't get involved with the computer for entertainment
until end of the day.
If it is a day at home to just relax, I might or I might do
house cleaning. Decide as the day goes and how I feel.
My house share partner does the dishes and takes out the trash. Also tends his wing of the house, washes his own clothes and towels and all jobs related to keeping the swimming pool going, so those are chores I don't have to think about.

I also will not allow myself to ever smoke or drink alcholic beverages again.
Lots of water, yes, it is good for you and needed in the heat here.
Make sure kitchen is clean, because you never know and because I feel good about a clean kitchen and it gets my imagination going.

Make the bed.

Iron before I do another wash; the idea of a pile up is most repungent to me.

Online. I have this motto: just because one is online, does not make rules of politeness and decency suddenly disappear.

I have never been into politics; found it the most boring subject possible, but in my faith, I believe in prophecy and I believe that the political arena in America is heading towards that. So, I have found myself interested in American politics and thus, because it also gets me upset, I try to not get involved and NEVER pass my opinion, since I do strive to be neutral, as Jesus was.
oh, so many rules I couldn't begin to list them all.
These are the 3 abstract rules that cover most of them.
1) Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself
2) Don't do anything to embarrass yourself
3) Always do what the cops tell you to do

Then there is Rule for Other People (there is only one):
1) Do NOT be mean to my wife
Which necessitates Mandatory Rule 4
4) No killing other people.
I have lots of rules for myself, mainly around food. Most are sensible rules for daily living:
No eating after 9pm.
No eating between meals.
There must be something green on the plate (e.g. vegetables, I don't mean, for example, a green pencil)!
No coffee after 5pm.
No working after 9.30 pm.
No going out after 10pm. (or I won't sleep)
Shower and get ready before checking email.
Check email before visiting other internet websites.
Plates must be arranged in their rack largest at the back, smallest at the front.
No plastic bags unless I really do need one.
No wasting food. Leftovers are put into fridge and eaten later.
No leaving food out of the fridge.
If I drink: No more than one glass of wine.
No drinking on an empty stomach.
Always finish one batch of food before starting the next one.
I never drink achohol. Not interested in drinking a magical potion of slowness and stupidity, thanks.

I never enter major cities. I'm from the middle of bloody nowhere. Me trying to drive in the crowded hellhole that is somewhere like Chicago is a disaster waiting to happen. I'll stick to my blank farm roads, thanks.

I never... ever... ever take an interest in politics. It's the single most toxic (and single most useless) thing I see people do on a daily basis... frankly it's freaking disgusting. BOTH sides. So I simply refuse. I dont even vote and never will. All of it can go jump off a cliff into a pit of flaming spikes. Covered in bees. Acid bees. With lasers. The bees are also on fire.

I never belittle others for their beliefs. Frankly I HATE watching that happen. I dont care if someone doesnt believe what you do, or has beliefs you think are silly: dont be an asshat anyway.

Going further from that, I also make sure to ALWAYS keep a very open mind.

I must shave perfectly before I leave the house each day. Admittedly this one is mostly due to "gender issues" and is thus rather frustrating.

I must at least try not to launch the godforsaken razor at the wall for being a useless piece of crap that takes forever to do it's bloody job. I admit I fail this one sometimes.

I must never let any harm come to my dog. I will always protect him.

Dont stab the wall with a fork just because I banged my foot on a corner of it.

Dont ride in the car with others as a passenger.... always do all of the driving myself. To do otherwise is a quick path to major anxiety.

Dont send a drone hurtling 30 miles an hour in any direction when in the basement.

Dont stab the computer. It's not the computer's fault that Windows exists.

DRINK SOME FREAKING WATER no seriously I really need to work more on hydration. I get dried out so easily.

Dont just buy every shiny new- oh who am I kidding, I have no impulse control when it comes to buying stuff. None at all.

Dont steal or anything like that. It's rude.

Get at least SOME exercise. Go for walks. Preferrably with the dog.

Give the dog treats each day. Because he wants the bloody treats, that's why.

MUST HAVE CAFFIENE FOUNTAIN DRINK. Or sanity bursts like a bubble.

Really just dont stab anyone no matter how appealing the prospect may be.
I'm a nightmare with food and arranging stuff... Its so sad I even disgusts myself sometimes... However if you want to find something in my house its very easy... I have totally sick organizational skills... If I could only get the stuff this straight in my head... : )
I was called "a nightmare to live with" because of my organisation of absolutely everything. But then again no one complained when I could in a second tell exactly where something was located without being present.
Like others who have posted, I'm quite rigid about existing in a clean and orderly environment.
Once again, I'm amazed at how often I will think of a discussion question, and find someone else posting it! Great question.

My entire life is governed by rules.

On the internet:
1) Avoid politics.
2) Keep my comments and posts as positive and uplifting as I can. Sometimes I fail at this rule.
3) If anyone has a negative attitude about anything, do not interact with them at all. Just keep scrolling past.

At work:
1) Always behave professionally.
2) Never say no to an assignment.
3) Don't brag about your own work. Do an excellent job and let others brag about you. My boss disagrees with me on this one.
4) Never withhold a compliment.
4) Be helpful and kind no matter how much I think the other person is capable or incapable of. This means sometimes I am answering questions that I think are stupid or helping people with issues I think they could have figured out on their own, but I never let on. I have a personal goal to be known as the nicest person in the company.

1) Be kind.
2) Don't engage in humor at someone else's expense. This is partly because I'm trying to be a kinder person, and partly because I completely suck at the guy's-insult-one-another-for-fun humor - I always manage to cross a line and truly insult someone. So, complete avoidance of humor at anyone else's expense works better for me.
3) If there is something that I wish someone would do, I should do it. For example, I recently took my kids to clean up the trash and weeds around the neighborhood mailbox, because "Someone should do it, so why not me?"
4) Every project has to be completely planned out, with all problems solved before I start it. Often, a project around the house will sit for months, and then I'll wake up one day knowing how to do the one part I hadn't figured out, and I'll do the whole project as fast as I can.
5) Never, ever, ever, say anything negative about or to my wife. All my rules are ideals expressing the kind of person I want to be, and I often fail to perfectly live up to those ideals. However, this is one of two rules that I have kept perfectly since the moment I made it.
I do not consume any product containing corn syrup or hydrogenated oils. I always read the ingredients of what I buy before I buy it.

This takes a bit of work, but it really did improve my mood after about a month of this. I have more energy these days.

I also have a rule of wearing fresh and clean clothing every single day. I keep my beard trimmed and oiled. I keep my apartment clean and tidy. I attend at least three 12-step meetings a week no matter what happens.

Outside of these routines, nothing that significant going on here.
Rigidly. I have my code and live it. Amongst my rules are;
  • Don't be malicious
  • Don't get bitter
  • Try to find one thing you like about everyone
  • Don't force help on anyone
  • Accept people for who they are
  • Don't kill anyone

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