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Do you have difficulty remembering names of people?

Yep, that's me. Can't remember names and I have never figured out any method or system to do so.
When I was 6 years old in 1958, I calculated the distance of a light-year in miles just for fun. I still remember without hesitation or thought: five trillion eight hundred sixty-five billion six hundred ninety-six million miles.
Hmmm, I should use that as a password. I'll never forget that!

I'm not sure it's any real "method" as such, but I do periodically try to recite a series of names of notable persons and the words "corriander" and "cilantro". Purely as an exercise in memory.

Though on a neurological level it fascinates me over how I lose names in short term memory, while I don't seem to lose any memorized numbers at all.

As for passwords, I have long since made them sufficiently complex enough that they are impossible for me to even consider memorizing.
When I was 6 years old in 1958, I calculated the distance of a light-year in miles just for fun. I still remember without hesitation or thought: five trillion eight hundred sixty-five billion six hundred ninety-six million miles.
Hmmm, I should use that as a password. I'll never forget that!
I carry 61 decimal places of Pi around in my head. I only stop at 60 because the book that I had only went that far.
Didn't seem necessary to learn more digits later.

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