Trying to start again. Had an experience so bad that caused me to wonder if I'm placing myself in bad situations. Family and s.o. backlash was costly. Complicated subject.
My blog was about science. Editor of major magazine out of the blue started unsolicited interaction on twitter for a few weeks, offered me a huge opportunity to work for him but be freelance. Massive opportunity! He then later tried to hint that I should be his girlfriend, I was naive and had no idea he was attracted and he ended up retaliating by badmouthing me to quite a few people_ I'm just learning about this. Confusing! His friend tried to invite me to Disney world to be with him and this editor, then same editor additionally gave me free tickets to a faraway conference. When I couldn't go due to having a series of seizures since a month before the editor ever communicated with me, and my doc wouldn't let me travel as he had just diagnosed since it is generally discouraged to admit disability in a freelance online job/internship interview, I was thought as being unmotivated... He stopped interacting with me when he was told I was on medical leave. That was disappointing but why did he badmouth me? Was a huge opportunity and he went from frequent communication about my special interest, to basically active avoidance.
Does anyone use speech to text? I have neurological eye movement problems. Expensive and long time required to train the software but it documents the work well. I am working on setting up cameras to film me to make proof files with a setup similar to online proctored test taking. I have had my email and other files hacked by a guy that offered me a farm related service. Through email he initially asked me to do some research for his book he was writing, his wife befriended me very fast and intensely, asking me personal questions and telling me personal things about herself, how we can be successful working together and then he published my research and writing in a New Zealand magazine as his own! The wife told over 500 people on Facebook that epilepsy is insanity after I had to tell her i had been diagnosed recently because she was emailing me several times a day and when I didn't respond she would start saying indirect insults online, then told me I was disgusting through email. This was after my mom told them they could not get a special deal on a truck at her work. The husband and wife did this to several business owners in several states and they moved at least once per year, and turns out the guy had a significant criminal record for fraud. After i realized his scam i learned later that he also tried to get another researcher friend of mine in Australia to answer questions through email as well as another professor that he claimed he was working with after he visited her lab only once! He put photos of her lab all over his blog using university pseudo affiliation, so I hope he didn't get her in trouble. She used to work at the university where I am. She was not tenured so I worry if she was hurt by what he did. His behavior was that of a head injured person so I don't judge him, he had overcome serious injuries. I just have to stop being insensitive to scams of various types. So now I tape myself when researching and writing as it took a significant time investment to produce before I had the dictation software. I'm not using that software on this mobile device as one can see my typing is uncoordinated, it's both necessary & sufficient.