Well-Known Member
Used the word flossy to describe all symptoms when sickening for something.
Mostly a cold - feeling weak, limbs aching, that feeling if another were to touch an aching arm it would burst open or drop off.
Feeling flossy.
As a family we spent many weekends wandering up and down mountains in North Wales.
Between myself and my youngest we renamed many mountains; Gitolities and Tryffaticktus, being just two.
Tryffaticktus has a grade one scramble toward the summit which meant I waited with my dog on a plateau while the rest reached the summit and returned to us.
The more I think about this the more I’m remembering it was a bit of a game/amusing to invent different names for all of the places we’ve visited when the children were younger.
Mostly a cold - feeling weak, limbs aching, that feeling if another were to touch an aching arm it would burst open or drop off.
Feeling flossy.
As a family we spent many weekends wandering up and down mountains in North Wales.
Between myself and my youngest we renamed many mountains; Gitolities and Tryffaticktus, being just two.
Tryffaticktus has a grade one scramble toward the summit which meant I waited with my dog on a plateau while the rest reached the summit and returned to us.
The more I think about this the more I’m remembering it was a bit of a game/amusing to invent different names for all of the places we’ve visited when the children were younger.