I rarely have anything to play down, in relation to my health, but I would if I did. I definitely come over as calm, and my recollection is that initially in life I learned to be histrionic from my mother, but as I got older and out in the world, I just decided otherwise, which I was able to do I suppose because it wasn't inate behaviour, just a mask.
I like my independence, and fussing about anything draws the wrong kind of attention for my comfort, so I don't.
Having heard your health issues,
@Pats , I understand why you play it down, but it does sound really challenging, could you maybe calmly possibly by email update your family that are close, your children I mean, and just say, no fuss please, but this is how it is, and this is what needs to happen.
You sound really stoic, but they need guidance how best to help. The brain tumour sounds tricky, I guess as a nurse you understand it better than most would, but still it must be challenging. Can your pain relief be improved?