Yes, I am a total night owl. I prefer the night hours because they are quiet, and I can get stuff done. I have a slight obsession with the full and crescent moons. Full moons mean more stuff happens; the crescent is graceful-looking. Bright light gives me major headaches (the full spectrum UV lights they use up here in the winter actually can give me migraines). It doesn't help that my eyes are blue, and blue eyes tend to be more sensitive to light than other colors. Oddly enough, however, I don't much care for the cold. I have a vascular condition that makes my hands and feet constantly cold, and I'm easily chilled. I like a nice even 70-80 degrees. I'm from the deep South originally and got dragged up the official ice box of the U.S. So, the fact that I prefer warmer temperatures doesn't really surprise me. A lot of my artwork is even based in night scenes.
I am also in agreement on sensory over-load. My parents say I need to socialize a little more to counter-act my depression problems, but just going out to take my books to the library, run an errand, or go to the doctor sends me into full anxiety (if not outright panic). I guess that's why I'm so partial to being up when everyone else is asleep. It's less stressful and overwhelming. The very idea of going to one of my college's sports events makes me cringe. I need the socialization or I relapse and have to start learning to deal with others all over again. It's even hard for me to order at restaurants. I have the noise of other patrons, the sound of all those dishes, and now all of those TV's with the football games on. So, yes, nighttime is me time. Quiet and calm (albeit rather inconvenient if I happen to have an early morning class).