I've always talked to animals, especially pets. It seemed a little odd to see this question here, since it's one of the few things about me that I wasn't judged for, I thought everyone talked to their pets. Occasionally I'll make cat sounds, but most of the time I just speak normally … they seem to understand, then make their own decision whether to go along with me or keep debating, I love that about cats. Funny that I'm so focused on the correct use of our language, but I find it so easy to understand animals. Their sounds, expressions, & body language seem clear & straightforward in a way I've never seen in people … I think it's because cats aren't trying to persuade, deceive, or manipulate, they're just stating how they feel.
I even do a little 'creative writing' … my cats have a twitter account where they post their thoughts & how they see the world, and it's a great outlet. Often it's easier to post as them than as myself, especially when I'm depressed or troubled.
I've been known to mutter at my computer, phone, & car … also poorly designed software that doesn't do what it should, has bugs, or crashes … basically anything that I've become accustomed to acting logically, then suddenly starts misbehaving. No one's ever commented on this … since people ignore me when I speak to them I'd be shocked if they paid attention when I spoke to someone/something else … I just carry on communicating & can usually work things out with the animal or device. Strange world we live in.
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