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I talk to myself not full conversations just a few phrases to help me keep track of things, do others do the same? I hope im not alone and seen as a wwirdo i have both pallalia and echolalia as well and repeat things.
I have full conversations with myself on a daily basis. Sometimes I record them, to feel a little less odd.

I've got a feeling, when I get my own place I will do it even more.

I talk to myself all the time. Similarly, I talk to my dog. "I don't know Tiggy, do you know? That's ok then." He likes it.
It's ok to talk to yourself, it always happens in isolation after a certain amount of time has gone by.

What is or rather can be an issue is if you have psychotic or delusional behavior or ideation that is associated with the verbalizing. You are a primate, we all are. You are supposed to speak
If you fail to speak aloud, you will lose your grace with it, ......
And so too, try and take up reading aloud from a text. It is a proud and ancient method of self education. The practice of reading to an imaginary audience is most joyous. It is a pleasant diversion
I talk to myself outloud and have as far back as I can remember. In relation to that I've said for many years: "I'm my own best friend."
It is fun so why not offer myself a cup of coffee and yes I’ll have cream with that thanks.
Seriously, recenty it’s a powerful reclaiming of me that I do when talking outloud to self. I’m taking a stand on the joyous solitaryness where I breathe and talk and live.
yep all the time, I often pretend I have someone behind me or in front of me talking to me, interviewing me and that im ranting to someone or to myself :)
i don't know if it's a result of growing up on a diet of watching youtubers talk to themselves in their rooms or being fascinated by celebrity interviews, but i constantly talk at a whisper level on my own about the most random things. most of the time i'll be pretending i'm on a tv show panel or in an interview, its worth noting i have no ambitions of becoming an actor or anything lol, i don't know what it is i just cant stop doing it. i've been entertaining this alter ego if u can call it that since i was very young and have continued in my teen years. i also talk about my hyperfixations out loud to myself a lot and my theories, this could maybe be attributed to being able to vent and ramble about my interests and not have to have an active conversation with someone though.

let me know if you can relate!
I don't like to say "I talk to myself" because I think people imagine me having a full-fledged conversation with myself, which I don't do. However, I do sometimes speak my thoughts out loud. I also rehearse/repeat things I've said, will say, or want to say to other people. I especially do this when I'm worried that I didn't express myself well. I imagine if people saw me doing this it might appear that I was "talking to myself."

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