My mother didn't smoke, drink or take any drugs while she was pregnant with me. I wasn't born premature (in fact I was born after the due date), and there were no birth complications, just a natural birth and I was a healthy, thriving baby, weighing 7 pounds and 7 ounces at birth. Just average in every way. I even reached all my milestones at the average stages, no delays in speech or walking or potty-training, etc.
My sister, on the other hand, had complications while in the womb, apparently she was lacking nutrition and even oxygen, so my mother had to go to hospital for a few tests, and the midwife said the baby could be at risk of having brain damage. Luckily she wasn't brain-damaged, but had delays in her speech development and was still in diapers at age 4 even though my mother potty-trained her the same way she did me and my brother.
But my sister just turned out to have mild learning difficulties and nothing more and it doesn't really affect her life, if it does she seems blissfully unaware of it and just carries on with her head in the clouds. She has a baby now and I'm wondering how the baby will turn out. The baby is only 6 months old but doesn't seem to be displaying any autism or learning difficulties, as she makes eye contact and laughs when you laugh, etc. But I think I did all those things as a baby too, yet look how I turned out; Asperger's, ADHD and anxiety disorder.
It amazes me how some babies with autism can be really social and make normal eye contact and seem engaging and responsive, then kind of regress when they get to around 2 years of age, with normal upbringing and everything. Not that that happened to me. I was NT right up until I started school, then on that first day I was suddenly a cascade of autism, ADHD and anxiety, which baffled even my parents. I really wish I hadn't been like that. Why couldn't I have just been like other Aspie females who just blended in with the other kids and not gone noticed until at least adolescence? I HATED being the problem child, the case study, the special needs kid, the "this kid needs more attention and support" kid, the "special" kid, I HATED HATED HATED it.