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Do you think in pictures?

Do you think in pictures or words?

  • I think in Words!

    Votes: 40 19.1%
  • I think in Pictures!

    Votes: 145 69.4%
  • I have no idea what you mean! (This means you should post a reply to the thread)

    Votes: 24 11.5%

  • Total voters
Question here, Aspies are not imaginative or creative? Seriously? I kinda imagine numbers as blocks, Like 9 is a bigger block than 7 or 5. And it all just gets on or off like tetris.
That sounds like synesthesia? I learnt that there is extremely many ways of that. Many aspies also has synesthesia, but not everyone.
it kinda feels like a mix of both for me? i dont really know how to describe it : oP personally i never understand when people ask about thinking in pictures or words because i never know if they mean seeing or hearing words when they think lol
the way im gonna go with to describe it is that i usually think in loose concepts and emotions. when i think of something, it's usually just the way it feels to me. this happens with a lot of my memories, too--i can think of a vague image for some, but mostly it's just how i feel about it or felt then......
^^^^^ that's part if it for me. What you describe is exactly the backdrop for or rather, a way to pull together my scattered, sometimes abstract sometimes realistic (depending on if I've witnessed a thing), pictures or color when I'm reading or listening to someone speaking. It's realistic pictures (sometimes in motion but not in continuous motion, just snippets) and actual word sounds when it's my own thoughts and conversations in my own head.
I think everyone thinks in pictures to an extent, as well as words. I think in pictures, words and colours.
I think in pictures and vibes that I capture, kind of like the Predator (I don't think I'm a predator though)

I think I predominantly think visually, I am a visual style thinker.
So I often am someone who is very close to the visual world and very affected by the visual.
I notice details, colours, beauty.
But I love reading
But despite this I do not always think I am good with verbal.
I struggle many ways verbal and I may burn out and go non verbal at times
But reading may help me be more verbal
I think I predominantly think visually, I am a visual style thinker.
So I often am someone who is very close to the visual world and very affected by the visual.
I notice details, colours, beauty.
But I love reading
But despite this I do not always think I am good with verbal.
I struggle many ways verbal and I may burn out and go non verbal at times
But reading may help me be more verbal
I like to read do it compulsively am also a strong visual thinker so they are not mutually incompatible. I do not talk much, but when I do people mistake me for an extrovert I keep my mouth shut unless the conversation is worth contributing too.
I think mostly in a visual format, but I also experience audio-only thoughts as well, especially when I have headaches or migraines overcoming me. Mostly visual though.
I am predominately visual thinker but since doing more reading I think in words as well a bit more but still struggle a lot verbally with language and speech despite looking like I do not.
I always notice the visual. In nature, on people, I have a great eye for detail
I think in pictures and words but the words are pictures that flash through my mind (think oompa loompa songs). When I read something I have lots of things flash through my mind. for example King Oni's last reply (blue for images, red for words).....

This is how my brain works all the time and alot of the time I just ignore it but I think this is where some of my more random echolalia words come from, one word leads me to another then to a picture which leads me to another picture and so on and then I will blurt out a word relating to one of those but that makes no sense to what was being read/watched/discussed.
I have heard of this where you are on a topic and one word leads to another train of thought to another. I think that is called "Clanging" I have a friend who thinks this way and he gets really out there in a conversation. But, once I understood his thinking patterns it was a lot easier to follow what he was saying. Clanging: noun. a pattern of speech observed in some types of mental illness, as manic disorder, in which associations are based on punning or rhyming.
I think a lot in melodies and sounds, actually. Like, that is how I move in life often with my thoughts. I rarely think in images, but I dream, of course, in images. I also think in words, mostly when I write, and I have the experience of doing my best thinking, when I do that, in the sense that I get it by to (some) other people. Parts of how I think are still a bit mysterious to me, but I guess that is only natural. Adding a meta-layer that is not there can only add confusion, and then you start inventing, instead of actually talking about an experience.
I absolutely cannot understand what you all mean when you say you think in pictures.

Do you see images of what you are thinking about or reading? That is what I am understanding.
I am predominately visual thinker but since doing more reading I think in words as well a bit more but still struggle a lot verbally with language and speech despite looking like I do not.
I always notice the visual. In nature, on people, I have a great eye for detail
You are so charming. I hope you won't be offended, but you have a very unusual way of writing, so I was curious to hear you chime in on this, and it turns out that you are indeed mostly a visual thinker. I think your way of writing is fascinating, and it was today that I was thinking; I bet it would be fascinating to sit and dig further into LDPB's writing if she were inclined to converse, and maybe I could find out what's different about how she assembles her writing. I bet this is a big part of the difference. There's nothing wrong with how you express yourself, but you leave me with the impression that a lot is getting left unsaid. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then there's the issue. There's nothing wrong with how you write, and I think if people spent back-and-forth with you, they would learn lots of interesting things about what you are conveying.

From a faith perspective, if we contemplate the concept of Babel, you might actually be the one with the advantage, because the Bible suggests language becomes obsolete, so then you would already be doing things the more advanced way, visually, regardless of the conventions. I seldom think visually, unless it's for a problem that involves geometry or diagramming.
I very seldom think visually, and I tend to think in words and sentences. If I need to imagine how things fit together or move or travel, then I can visualize it, but it's not my convention. One thing I've noticed about myself is that I can feel where a problem or inconsistency is. If someone states a contradiction or a fallacy, right away it feels like there's an irritated spot in my mind, and I can go trace how it connects to other things, and it reveals the reason it's wrong and therefore annoying. People absolutely hate that tendency.

EDIT: So, that's actually an example of thinking in "feelings", though I suppose a more conventional term would be "intuition". However, this is intuition as an intermediate step in the process. Pursuing faith, however, has encouraged me to pursue answers more directly through intuition.
When i try and remember conversations etc i will relive the situation like i was re-watching it through my eyes.
I was actually just noticing how I can feel the point I'm trying to make several steps before I find the statement that fits it, which is.... weird.
I was actually just noticing how I can feel the point I'm trying to make several steps before I find the statement that fits it, which is.... weird.
What I'm feeling about now is the longing for a human being to interact with so I can stop staring into the vortex of my navel.

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