I grew up with quarter horses and my sister has 4 of them now. I have 3 donkeys - big, expensive, humorous, curious pets, all of whom will probably outlive me. I find donkeys are easier to take care of than horses because they thrive on low protein summer grass and winter hay. We don't feed them any sweet feed (grains) like horses need in winter because rich food will founder them. They are desert animals from Africa and should eat only low protein, scrub-like vegetation as they do in the wild. The downside is that they, like horses, require a farrier to trim their hooves about every six weeks and it's expensive. We give them yearly inoculations for West Nile virus and other diseases and worm them every spring for parasites. They hate canines and will kill dogs and coyotes, and they make good guard animals because they will bray if something disturbs them.