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Do you think that this blog helps autistic or NT people in any way?

I do really feel offended by that blog :mad:
For one it's badly written
And secondly the writer doesn't know where he/she is talking about!
Shame on the writer!
author seems to be basing entire view of Asperger's on just a few people, and doesn't realize that Asperger's is not a personality type.
This article is so full of misinformation it's not even worth responding to . . . and he's not even responding to comments on it anymore. Best not to worry too much about this guy. He seems to fancy himself an armchair expert on ASD just because he's had a few encounters with people with autism on their bad days.
I just wanted to know your opinions about this blog that I found the other day.

I really felt targeted by this blog and feel that it is misinforming everybody in a purely negative way.

Just Not Said: Aspergers Syndrome

Oh great, another effing asshole blogger who thinks he or she's the authority on Autism just because he or she has an opinion ! I've see this a lot ! I've see people online claim Autism doesn't exit and use their opinions or views as their argument against nay say !

At least it's not like that saved demoria or whatever it's called blog that actually trolls people with Autism and claim we're all serial killers :/
I love how the blogger is some kind of expert because he's met a total of four Aspies LOL. What a douche-canoe! Fairly sure he'll fade into obscurity, most vacuous wind-bags do :)
His latest post is about self-proclaimed psychics, so I don't suppose that the blog was built around a unifying theme. Therefore, I'm not worried that he'll attract a large enough audience to be considered someone of any consequence.
This is a prime example of what happens if you give monkeys typewriters. For every script for hamlet they manage to work out, they use up an awful lot of paper using it to type crapola!!

The Internet has a lot to answer for. Maybe there ought to be an entrance exam...

Honestly not worth bothering with. He's a nobody, and I suspect he would enjoy people hating him because he is getting some attention. It was surprising that some people put positive responses in the comments. Sounds like people just moaning to be honest. People like to do that apparently. Guess that's something else I missed out on by having differences to the norm!!
Many of the things he says are true for many of us but his tone is so pejorative that it is offensive. He also fails to understand the high variability among aspies; he describes us all as having the same stereotypical autistic behaviors. He confuses autism and narcissism. Lastly, he assumes we are incapable of learning and adaptation. While we may lack the innate social skills of an NT we do become much better at adapting to social situations as we mature. We learn to compensate for our lack of social intuition by using observation and logic.
What a moron!! I can easy dispute just about everything he said, but I won't bother because it's not worth the time.

He starts off with the standard comment that we can't read people; after studying and scrutinizing the patterns in my life, here's what I've noticed. When an NT is trying to put forward a certain facade (friendly, social, persuasive, etc) I rarely notice, those things are superficial and don't matter to me. But when there's something contradictory behind it (hidden agendas, thinly veiled insults, attempts to manipulate) those are clear as day. And I can document dozens of situations in my past where NTs convinced me that I was reading someone wrong so I went along ... and I was seriously taken advantage of & had to pay a steep price every time. I now trust my perception and I won't be swayed.

Another pattern I've noticed is that the NTs in my life often accuse me of what they do. Claiming they said something different from what they really said, shrieking hysterically for me to "Calm down!!" when I'm speaking rationally and using (*gasp*) logic.

I only mention these two patterns because I haven't mentioned them here before. Everything else he stated I've already addressed in other posts in the AC forums, no need to repeat them ... besides, everyone here already knows this stuff.

I suspect he may be an Aspie in deep, deep denial ... it sounds like the four he mentioned have tried to tell him (he claims that one of our traits is to 'diagnose' NTs as Aspies ... nothing could be further from the truth). Check out his multi-paragraph rebuttals to every comment that disagrees with him. In my experience, an NT that was that deeply deluded would just yell "screw him" and delete the comments he didn't like. Regardless, dude needs to be assessed by a qualified, knowledgeable health professional. I may be wrong, he may be NT, but he's *far* from normal.

Just my $.02, based on my own experience ... which makes for a statistically insignificant sample size. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on what I've said here. Anything that stretches my brain is a good thing!
I suspect he may be an Aspie in deep, deep denial ... it sounds like the four he mentioned have tried to tell him (he claims that one of our traits is to 'diagnose' NTs as Aspies ... nothing could be further from the truth). Check out his multi-paragraph rebuttals to every comment that disagrees with him. In my experience, an NT that was that deeply deluded would just yell "screw him" and delete the comments he didn't like. Regardless, dude needs to be assessed by a qualified, knowledgeable health professional. I may be wrong, he may be NT, but he's *far* from normal!
I can't say whether he has any real psychological issues. To me he just comes off as a know-it-all who likes to hear himself talk. The funny thing is, of course, that he actually doesn't know much of anything about ASD.

I think his only problems are arrogance and willful ignorance.
I can't say whether he has any real psychological issues. To me he just comes off as a know-it-all who likes to hear himself talk. The funny thing is, of course, that he actually doesn't know much of anything about ASD.

I think his only problems are arrogance and willful ignorance.

Well stated, but I guess I don't see those traits as 'normal', just way too common, and socially accepted (for no reason I can comprehend).

Your Aspie score: 141 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 69 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

Don't judge my overall worth by my ability to swim, you're *drowning* me ... just LET ME FLY!!
Well stated, but I guess I don't see those traits as 'normal', just way too common, and socially accepted (for no reason I can comprehend).
They're as normal as shite in a pigsty, I assure you---two of the less desirable aspects of the human condition. I just don't think these traits reach a pathological level in this case.
They're as normal as shite in a pigsty, I assure you---two of the less desirable aspects of the human condition. I just don't think these traits reach a pathological level in this case.

We may be using different words to say almost the same thing. It may be as common as **** in a pigsty, but as I learn to accept my Aspie traits I can't call that kind of messed up attitude 'normal'. Normal, to me, means well-balanced & appropriate, which he is not.
What I'm trying to say is that this man's behavior isn't beyond the spectrum of what is considered normal for human beings. Is it usually seen as inappropriate? Yes. But if arrogance and ignorance were truly abnormal traits, they wouldn't have shaped human civilization nearly as much, and certainly not as often.
Ah, the glories of the internet. One can find some good blogs, forums, etc with some people writing about things that they know about, or sharing experiences, or both (For example, when the members of AC share our experiences of aspergers).
One can find many more blogs and forums with people writing about things they don't know much about. When they write these things in a caustic, disdainful way, they proudly label themselves "honest." Reminds me of a boss I used to have. She didn't know what the heck she was doing, but since she yelled at everyone so much, she took her own yelling to be a sign that she was competent.
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I love to read...however I couldn't read the whole of that article. It was plain mean on so many different levels. The writer came across as a smug, self serving, superior jerk. I'd rather be labelled 'lame' than be an arsehole.
The article was a way for him/her to grind an axe. From what I managed to read, it appeared that plenty of it was mere conjecture. The piece was damaging not informative or remotely helpful. There are some people who actually 'get off' on the misfortune of others. They almost revel in it, pouring copious amounts of salt into an obviously open wound. It's a sad world that values superficial advantage. No neurotypical on earth can actually 'read' someones mind acurately. Body language gives them an 'idea' of which emotions are being felt. It's not rocket science...i'd bet a fair percentage of rocket scientists are aspies though.
This blog post is clearly written by someone who thinks s/he is the Jane Goodall of aspies. This becomes even more clear when you read the comments. If all NT people were like that, I'd probably have offed myself a while ago.
If all NT people were like that, I'd probably have offed myself a while ago.
Me too, me too. I didn't read the whole article, I find it way to offending.
But yes, if all NT's were like that, than my parents would be, and all people outside of this forum I do know personally, except for Evy the Owl .
We would live in hell! And no, I sure wouldn't have survived.
Edit: I would have been dead long before I even knew Evy
Over the past decade, I've often thought of 'offing' myself...really fought the urge to skip along the train tracks. Logic has always kicked in though. I really couldn't justify ending my entire existence. It will end of it's own accord eventually. Plus post mortems are quite brutal, invasive and undignified.

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