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Do you think that this blog helps autistic or NT people in any way?

This blog post is clearly written by someone who thinks s/he is the Jane Goodall of aspies. This becomes even more clear when you read the comments. If all NT people were like that, I'd probably have offed myself a while ago.

It is interesting how he criticizes aspies for their bad behavior but in the process displays so many of his own social deficiencies. He may not be an aspie but whatever he is I am glad it is something I am not.
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It is interesting how he criticizes aspies for their bad behavior but in the process displays so many of his own social deficiencies. He may not be an aspie but whatever he is I am glad it is something I am not.
The thing he doesn't understand about that little piece is that we are very neat. Most of us are raised properly and behave better than most NT's :)
I love to read...however I couldn't read the whole of that article. It was plain mean on so many different levels. The writer came across as a smug, self serving, superior jerk. I'd rather be labelled 'lame' than be an arsehole.
The article was a way for him/her to grind an axe. From what I managed to read, it appeared that plenty of it was mere conjecture. The piece was damaging not informative or remotely helpful. There are some people who actually 'get off' on the misfortune of others. They almost revel in it, pouring copious amounts of salt into an obviously open wound. It's a sad world that values superficial advantage. No neurotypical on earth can actually 'read' someones mind acurately. Body language gives them an 'idea' of which emotions are being felt. It's not rocket science...i'd bet a fair percentage of rocket scientists are aspies though.

There's a word in psychology, Schadenfreude, for people who enjoy seeing the misfortune of others. The sad thing is, I had to explain the word to my therapist. Ha. SO not funny.

I've always thought it was arrogant that people think they can read each others' thoughts ... I was taught in grade school what happens when you 'assume', but I see it every day.

I actually used to work with rocket scientists ... you are correct!!
It is interesting how he criticizes aspies for their bad behavior but in the process displays so many of his own social deficiencies. He may not be an aspie but whatever he is I am glad it is something I am not.

He is in deep, Deep, DEEEEP delusion ... and I'm betting a couple of other things, too.
There's a word in psychology, Schadenfreude, for people who enjoy seeing the misfortune of others. The sad thing is, I had to explain the word to my therapist. Ha. SO not funny.

I've always thought it was arrogant that people think they can read each others' thoughts ... I was taught in grade school what happens when you 'assume', but I see it every day.

I actually used to work with rocket scientists ... you are correct!!
I've been quite shocked and appalled that I've had to list the DSM diagnostic criteria for a few psych related professionals. I should NOT know the DSM better than you do, doc....
Guess there's no point in reading it, so I'll just thank all those who went to the trouble. :D
Yeah, I stopped reading after a few paragraphs. Then I scrolled down to his "About Me". Pretty much says it all:

"Virtually everyone who knows John finds him completely tactless and insufferably opinionated. He sees himself as refreshingly honest. That said, this blog is still an excellent way to kill time while putting off work. If you're a newcomer, you might find browsing through the older posts an amusing waste of time as well. John has four books available on Amazon.com under the pseudonym Nick Casanova."

Yep--in denial about something! Not worth wasting any more seconds on, but at least he knows that. I did scroll down his home page to see what other kinds of stuff he comments on. The only kind words he had to say about Rod Stewart. Make of that what you will. ;)

I actually don't mind Rod Stewart. But this guy is just another poor soul trying to protect himself from his inner pain by attacking others.
Well, what can I say...

I'm not really that offended by the post itself, there are always people who dislike others and willing express that opinion of them, but I found the comments depressing.

"He also does not understand why you are even slightly offended by his unreasonable attitude. Eventually I had to stop trying to maintain this friendship as it is purely frustrating!"

"It seems a lot of people who've dealt with them need to do some venting."

"I believe I have had two abusive bosses in a row that have Asperger's. Thank you for validating the idea that people who have it are not always creative sweet people."

"I consider my dad as somewhat of a hopeless case."

"I always said, if i have aspergers, he has it for sure, and he is - from my own perspective - a million times worse."

"Also, the idea of a blog called "Just Not Said" is not to be sensitive and tactful. It's to tell the truth."

"This. Also the one about the guy making jokes at a funeral, and the one with the guy holding his own baby in the same position for 15 minutes despite it crying in his arms."

Right now, I'm currently debating to myself if I am really as bad as the article and comments describe. Sigh. I could be rude, unjust, unreasonable, ignorant and irritating without being aware of it - its quite possible. Maybe that would explain why I have so few friends? It looks like I might just go into a social shutdown and just not speak to anyone for a little while. I wonder if the author knew what its like to walk in Aspie's shoes, would he understand then? Maybe he just doesn't realise how hurtful he's being and what this can do to certain people.
Well, what can I say...

I'm not really that offended by the post itself, there are always people who dislike others and willing express that opinion of them, but I found the comments depressing.

"He also does not understand why you are even slightly offended by his unreasonable attitude. Eventually I had to stop trying to maintain this friendship as it is purely frustrating!"

"It seems a lot of people who've dealt with them need to do some venting."

"I believe I have had two abusive bosses in a row that have Asperger's. Thank you for validating the idea that people who have it are not always creative sweet people."

"I consider my dad as somewhat of a hopeless case."

"I always said, if i have aspergers, he has it for sure, and he is - from my own perspective - a million times worse."

"Also, the idea of a blog called "Just Not Said" is not to be sensitive and tactful. It's to tell the truth."

"This. Also the one about the guy making jokes at a funeral, and the one with the guy holding his own baby in the same position for 15 minutes despite it crying in his arms."

Right now, I'm currently debating to myself if I am really as bad as the article and comments describe. Sigh. I could be rude, unjust, unreasonable, ignorant and irritating without being aware of it - its quite possible. Maybe that would explain why I have so few friends? It looks like I might just go into a social shutdown and just not speak to anyone for a little while. I wonder if the author knew what its like to walk in Aspie's shoes, would he understand then? Maybe he just doesn't realise how hurtful he's being and what this can do to certain people.

If we were to write negative about NT's I think we could at least double that list, if not, triple it!
Everyone has problems with someone or some group of persons. The group of people I have problems with is the group that can't understand Aspergers and how difficult and complicated it is. Most of the time those are the people who don't show respect.

No Sev, you aren't as bad as the article, this is just an attention wh*re who doesn't know better.
I'm sure that people will have more problems with the fact that you won't talk to them at all! That is something that jumps out.
That author is a son of a b*tch and no he doesn't realize the impact it has on certain people. He also doesn't know what it is to walk in our shoes.

Don't feel bad about yourself, feel bad about him that he doesn't know better ;)

Right now, I'm currently debating to myself if I am really as bad as the article and comments describe. Sigh. I could be rude, unjust, unreasonable, ignorant and irritating without being aware of it - its quite possible. Maybe that would explain why I have so few friends? It looks like I might just go into a social shutdown and just not speak to anyone for a little while. I wonder if the author knew what its like to walk in Aspie's shoes, would he understand then? Maybe he just doesn't realise how hurtful he's being and what this can do to certain people.

And that's exactly what's so offensive about it … that it can make cool people like you feel bad about yourself, while that a$$wipe struts around puffed up with pride from the delusion that what he's saying is even remotely true.

Please don't withdraw from us, Sev … we know you're not like that, and we love you. You're very important to us.

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