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Do you use the internet to socialize?

That's the same reason I don't use voice chat. I don't want anyone in my house hearing me.

I already added Nathan on Skype but I haven't been able to use it. I have a few contacts on Skype but my family is almost always around and they'd hear me talking. They would wonder who I'm talking to and come in the room and make a big deal out of it or eaves drop. It's be so embarrassing.
That's the same reason I don't use voice chat. I don't want anyone in my house hearing me.

I second that.


I can relate a lot to this picture.

I can also relate to that picture.
It's my primary form of socialization and has been for nearly 3/4 of a decade.

I used to talk to tons of people via IM, but for the past few years, I've been speaking to a very limited amount of people - even more so now than ever. There are about five people who I speak to on a regular basis. Everyone else who messages me usually says "hi" and I say it back; nothing happens afterwards. I think people give up on me because I usually don't have much to say and, when it comes to speaking to the majority of people, I'm incapable of not killing a convo.

Frankly, I find most people aren't worth speaking to. There are lots of nice people out there, but nice isn't good enough. I like to speak to people who I can talk to on an emotional level and those who I can keep a steady convo going with.

You have to be very open-minded if you want to speak to me. I'm a very open-minded person and some of the things I say may seem inappropriate or offensive. I get excruciatingly annoyed when someone I'm speaking to constantly feels the need to say "ur weird" like I don't know it. :lol:
The closest thing I have to socializing is communicating with others on the internet. If it weren't for the internet, I'd be completely isolated.
I guess you have plenty of time on your hands:-) anyway I've just posted something about Facebook, nobody's replied, I guess no one had anything to say about that:-) I used to talk to tons of people online in my 20s. It was more fo a psychological experiment for me, I enjoyed learning about different kinds of people and their views on life. I met my husband that way, it was one crazy story:-)) but it worked out for us both. Now I'm not sure what I'm doing exactly... And why I'm sitting here and typing all this:-)) ... I guess online you can express yourself and assume that somebody's listening, which is not necessarily true, but you can always assume they are :-) I don't believe many people think the way I do...
anyway I've just posted something about Facebook, nobody's replied, I guess no one had anything to say about that:-)

Don't worry about people not replying on Facebook. Many will only reply if it is something directly concerning them or that they are interested in. Or it could be a case that they have many friends added and thus missed your status update on the news feed due to the amount of updates that they will see.
Well.. to some extent. I'm usually on quite a few social networks, yet I don't socialize that well. Funny how that works.

I put some profile out and if people like it, they can hit me up. I rarely send out something by myself. I feel that, if I were to push myself up to someone, I do have some kind of "obligation" to be interesting, whereas, if someone contacts me, I have it less. I'm not saying that the other person should have this obligation though.

I used myspace back then and some dutch networks. Currently I'm on facebook and google+ (the latter, I have yet to figure out). I have msn, I just don't use it that much. I only have people I know in real life in there. And I have their phonenumbers as well. I recently got skype, but only as means to chat (type) with a friend of mine, who stopped using msn. As for facebook actually... most people in my list are folks I've ran into at some point. People I've been with in bands, people who I met at some kind of tournament, people I met at some club... and that actually is far below par for someone who, to some extent was a familiar face in this area. (being a heavily pierced vocalist in a local metalband helps, lol). I still have an account on Vampirefreaks, but that's more of a subculture social network. That, to me is good to get updates on music and all, but I rarely do real "networking" there.

I feel, that with all social networks, it dwindled down to "I'm old" in the sense that people who are more into this networking stuff are pretty much thinking "what the hell is he doing here?" or "he's 29, I can't befriend him as an 18 year old". And apparently people my age are all married, have children and are settled down.

So, do I use the internet to socialize? n......eah.... it's a decent platform to put yourself out and see if you can meet likeminded people, and even more if you're not in a big(-ish) city. I just barely initiate contacts myself. Even out of all my facebook friends, I added about 5 myself, and others "found" me.
I used to use Facebook heavily to connect with the friends I had on it. Unfortunately the friends I connected with on Facebook are mostly no longer my friends or have left Facebook, making Facebook to me nothing more than a crowded, digital room of people I don't usually want to talk to or bother with.

But, yes, almost all of my socializing is done one way or another online.
The internet is probably the only place I'm really comfortable "socializing" in a traditional sense. In real life, socializing is often a hassle and can only handle as much as a boyfriend + a few acquaintances I'll see very rarely (and even the second, I have a really hard time keeping it up and feeling comfortable with it being regular). I usually come off as really aloof or flakey/weird, so I have difficulties even keeping that.
Yeah,i use the internet to socialize for the most part. Its the only place I feel comfortable meeting and beginning conversations with people. I use Facebook,Tumblr,and a couple others.
Yes, for some of it - but on the whole - no.

I use Internet, especially Google+ and this site, to look for new friends and to share what I feel they like, with them.

However, I'd love to chit-chat with others outside the library, for the things that gain all of us wisdom. It is more fun to see excitement on the faces as well as those subtleties that suggest excitement.
I used to use goodreads, but I got tired of that so I came here. I only ever socialize online, where people can't see my face, and my writing skills are better than my verbal skills.
I use Facebook, I like it but I don't have plenty of friends. I don't want collecting them, I don't see the interest of having 300 or 500 friends!

I don't like Twitter, I tried but it's too messy. I'm not fond of YouTube but I love the cute videos with cats or dogs. Sometimes I use Skype, but without the video things. I don't know how it is for you, but I don't like the webcams. It makes me umconfortable.
I had three years of my life, where I was out with friends and rarely sitting at the PC. Now I rarely see anybody, but sitting at the PC at most. So yes, I use the internet to socialize. I love chatrooms etc. because you don't have to show your face. In these days, I feel as soon as I show how I look, people run away in a hurry.
There is a lot of ways on the internet, you can use to get friends and that's fine for me. At least right now.
I socialize over fiction (websites for people to read or exchange critique, and small flash fiction contests) as well as video games (forums, Reddit, streams). I use Skype, too, but I only have a few people on there that I collaborate, play games with, or know from forums. The Internet allows me the sense of community and connection I can't get offline.
At least 60% of my socialising is here on AC. I try constantly to connect IRL, but rarely manage it though never for very long and I never know why it's ended.

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