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Do you walk fast?

Yes I'm 6' 3" with very long legs. I also always try to predict people walking patterns to find the fastest way to pass them.
I do the same thing.

I look at where they are, where they are going, if there are obstacles on there way and which way they are most likely going to move around the obstacle. I also check to see if they are looking where they are going because there are so many people that walk around looking from left to right without looking where they are going.
I do the same thing.

I look at where they are, where they are going, if there are obstacles on there way and which way they are most likely going to move around the obstacle. I also check to see if they are looking where they are going because there are so many people that walk around looking from left to right without looking where they are going.
The biggest thing pisses me off is those people won't move out the way. I will push people out of my way sometimes.
I naturally have a very quick pace, and I have to stop and check myself when I should be walking more slowly, such as when I'm leading a customer to a particular place in the store. I can only take my hikes solo because most people can't/are unwilling to keep up with me, and I wind up sitting beneath a tree at the top of a hill for literally two minutes every now and again waiting for them to catch up. (Part of that is my need for exercise, of course, but it bleeds over into everyday life.)
Hah yes, I frequently go shopping with my mom and despite her being 4 inches taller than me always complains that her (longer) legs can't keep up. Occasionally people will tell me I have an odd gait, like if I'm not swinging my arms much or if I'm walking with my feet pointed too far out. I don't know why but sometimes that just feels like the more natural way to move.

Perhaps you should see your orthopaedist about that. I was told I have a limp but never noticed. I went to the orthopaedist and it turns out my right leg is slightly shorter than my left. I bought a lift for my right leg and it's solved the problem.

I do walk faster than most people and have no idea why. It's actually hard for me to walk slower sometimes.
I used to walk on my toes and was constantly told off or ridiculed for doing so, so I started walking flat footed, but with a sort of bounce.. again ridiculed.
Now, with running every day, constant study of other mens gaits and practice, I walk slowly and sedately.. I think.. like most anyone else.. it's a concious effort though.. and so slow! How do people ever get anywhere on time?
But if I have to walk quickly, I go back to the bouncing mode again.
I don't know if it is because of AS or because I don't drive but I see walking as a way to get somewhere while others see it as a time to socialize and enjoy things they see. I see it as a as a necessary way to go from 'point A to point B'.
In general, yeah! And I have to remind myself to slow it down a bit when I'm walking with other people. A friend actually tried to teach me how to stroll.

I do take leisurely walks sometimes, during which I might go a little slower (it's almost an exercise in slowing things down), but most of the time it's merely a mode of transportation, so why not go fast. It depends on what I'm listening to at the moment too, I do like to follow the rhythm of the music, whenever possible.

Another thing I've found is that I tend to walk far. I might suggest going on foot because 'it's really not that far', only to find people getting cramps after 10 minutes. I'm just a walker I suppose; I could walk anywhere. Back in the days when I had to take a lot of busses I'd prefer walking ahead to the next stop over just standing around waiting. It often ended up in me walking all the way, and then arriving around the same time the bus eventually did. :)
I don't know if it is because of AS or because I don't drive but I see walking as a way to get somewhere while others see it as a time to socialize and enjoy things they see. I see it as a as a necessary way to go from 'point A to point B'.

The 'normal' gait is also a form of body language display that informs people around you that you are (from a male perspective) strong, confident and physically and genetically healthy.
In NT body language terms, all behavior is communication!
Yes, I walk very fast too. I often get told to slow down when I'm with another person. I get very frustrated when I'm with someone and they can't/won't keep up with me. People ahead of me are obstacles and I look for an opening or a way round them. It's frustrating when I can't get past them.
One positive thing I've found about walking more slowly.. it's forced, but seems to be becoming more natural and enjoyable.. is that it gives me time to 'stop and smell the roses', to observe and consider the state of this society I pass through, but am not a part of.
I'm constantly aware of people around me barging past little old ladies hobbling along with their zimmer frames because they haven't the patience or consideration to give them space.. wait till they're old and infirm, I think!
Maybe it's all the meditation, or the slower pace of life of someone unable (currently) to work, due to mental health issues associated with AS, but I realise, as I get older, that I don't want to pass through the world so quickly that I miss its beauty :)
I walk fast. Just returned from a wonderful walk in the snow, I wish I could have kept going all day because it's relatively warm and absolutely calm & quiet outside today. I have other things I have to do today though. I am tall with long legs and don't like to - okay, haha I cannot - hold still very long in one place. :)
I do take leisurely walks sometimes, during which I might go a little slower (it's almost an exercise in slowing things down), but most of the time it's merely a mode of transportation, so why not go fast. It depends on what I'm listening to at the moment too, I do like to follow the rhythm of the music, whenever possible.

Another thing I've found is that I tend to walk far. I might suggest going on foot because 'it's really not that far', only to find people getting cramps after 10 minutes. I'm just a walker I suppose; I could walk anywhere. Back in the days when I had to take a lot of busses I'd prefer walking ahead to the next stop over just standing around waiting. It often ended up in me walking all the way, and then arriving around the same time the bus eventually did. :)

I spent some time awhile back doing "slow walk exercises" where I would walk through a wooded area as slowly as possible, it was like roving Tai chi, stepping over logs, ducking under branches, all very slowly. It really centered me and gave me tremendous awareness while I was practicing.

I also walk long. Used to walk 5.5 miles to work, then walk home in the evening. I dislike waiting for buses and will either walk along the route towards my destination, or away from it, to see how far I'll get.

I particular like walking when it's really cold out. My coldest walk to work was at -27 degrees F.

I guess this should have been a poll, but it seems we are majority fast walkers. Thanks!
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as a callow youth I walked ridiculously fast, my army compatriots were known to slap a meaty arm in front of me to get me to slow down. as I grew old, however, I have slowed down somewhat. not because I want to but because aches and pains get in the way.
Yeah, I tend to speed-walk when I want to get somewhere really fast....I see it as a suitable alternative to breaking into an actual run, which would only attract attention to myself.

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