Princess Viola
Dumbass Asexual
OK first off, sorry if there's a better place for this thread but I figure this board is the best fit for it since it is about special interests.
Anyways a couple of my special interests are 80s tech and 80s fashion and I'm pretty open about having these interests. I'll post and share stuff relating to those interests, follow accounts also about those same topics, have people who follow me because I post that kind of stuff, etc. It's all well and good.
And yet I often find myself worrying that there are people who are secretly making fun of me for it or thinking that it's 'cringe' (I really hate that term when used the way the internet often uses it) and weird for me to be into this kind of stuff because 'Why are you so into stuff from a decade you never experienced?'
It really does make me feel self-conscious about myself at times and I know I should just ignore it because I haven't had anyone actually make fun of me for these special interests (and I know if I ever see someone making fun of me, I should just ignore them because my interests are my own business), but the brain is a funny thing isn't it? I try to ignore it and I usually can but sometimes those worries just get too much to handle.
But anyways, am I alone in this front? Do any of y'all ever feel the same way about your special interests and how others might react to them?
Anyways a couple of my special interests are 80s tech and 80s fashion and I'm pretty open about having these interests. I'll post and share stuff relating to those interests, follow accounts also about those same topics, have people who follow me because I post that kind of stuff, etc. It's all well and good.
And yet I often find myself worrying that there are people who are secretly making fun of me for it or thinking that it's 'cringe' (I really hate that term when used the way the internet often uses it) and weird for me to be into this kind of stuff because 'Why are you so into stuff from a decade you never experienced?'
It really does make me feel self-conscious about myself at times and I know I should just ignore it because I haven't had anyone actually make fun of me for these special interests (and I know if I ever see someone making fun of me, I should just ignore them because my interests are my own business), but the brain is a funny thing isn't it? I try to ignore it and I usually can but sometimes those worries just get too much to handle.
But anyways, am I alone in this front? Do any of y'all ever feel the same way about your special interests and how others might react to them?