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Does anyone else feel like they should just not be on Facebook?

I've never used Facebook. As I've posted many times in this forum, I consider Facebook nothing more than an online manifestation of "Lord of the Flies". No thanks. :rolleyes:

It's a platform that IMO all to easily enables "online lynchings".
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I deleted (well, I believe it's referred to unpublished if it is permanent) my Facebook account two years ago and am very happy to have done so. It was disturbing to even see political post that I agreed with. One friend is a musician and I liked to keep up with what he was up to so I wanted to keep him in my feed. That meant being greeted in the morning with yet another Black person being shot by a cop. I get it, I know why he posted, and agree completely but it was so horrible a thing to see. I still can't get one of the videos out of my head.

And then there were the people who no matter what you post, no matter how positive and innocent, they want to argue. You post it, a friend "likes" it, then one of their friends see it and then a fight happens. Ah!

And then the memes. I remember one a male "friend" posted that was so insulting because it was saying women like me aren't feminist because we say we are more "one of the guys". I blocked him.

And then I mentioned the horrors of fireworks only to be mocked by a "friend". Someone who we had even bought a baby gift for.

Do not miss anything about it except seeing one actual friends pictures and, like others have said, art and music stuff. Oh, and posting pictures of veggies.

The excessively negative political stuff is part of the reason I don't do Facebook and have limited Reddit for myself. in the world of social media it's like you never care enough, never in the right way. If you're not the right type of leftist you're a "liberal". If you ever disagree with the wrong feminist literature you're not a real feminist anymore. Be an lgtbq person who uses the wrong label and suddenly you're the one contributing to toxicness and even oppression within the community.

In the social media world you're never right. Never good enough. And not only do people think you need to be told off, you need be called out and shamed, you need to be made uncomfortable ever being in an activist space ever again.

This is why if I get involved with activism, it's going to be a real life event.
As I have said before, I think that Facebook is a breeding ground for misinformation and bad feelings. I see people around me that are upset about something they read on Facebook. Usually something about them. Why would anyone want to be involved in something like that?
Word. Sometimes when I hear some talking about what upset them about facebook I just want to say "Well you went and looked for things to MAKE you upset."
But then I'd be the bad person

Once uppn a time when I had a FB I was reading some girl I went to highschool with was crying about how many dogs she adopted that ended up getting parvo.. And this chick reached dog number 6 before I lost my mind and said she needed to stop adopting dogs because shes obviously not being cautious enough and just bringing them home to die.

Yeah.. Not cool. Even though I still thought I was right..
I have an account just so I can see others' postings but I never post anything on it. I have no need or desire to "socially interact" in that manner. My autistic sister-in-law has alienated virtually everyone in her life by her thoughtless postings and her love of forwarding others' computer virus contaminated FB political rants to people like me who totally disagree with her politics. I don't want to see what the NRA or Republican Nazi sympathizers or Donald Trump or Russian bots post online. Facebook reminds me of something my mother used to say: fools' names and fools' faces are often seen in public places.

Wise words from your mom indeed. I've never even heard that before, it's genius.
I guess I've been lucky not to have had any really negative experiences with FB. But then I only friend a few people so I can kind of keep up with them. I just delete any annoying posts and I don't post all that much- mostly funny animal videos, occasionally some political stuff, rarely an update on my status. I like having the chat option which I do use. But you can also chat on Discord and Steam too.

Messenger is the only reason I haven't shut it down yet. That's my only link to the little circle of friends I've somehow retained since childhood.
I have my moments when I feel like deleting my FB account, especially after a night involving alcohol.
But to be honest I keep it to keep contacts with old friends. I must say that the whole thing can be liability, after experiencing so called friends posting derogatory posts regarding my Aspie Ex; just because I posted a picture of the first bunch of flowers that I as a guy had ever received. I will add that the instigators of said transgression of respect are no longer my friends & I do feel better that I cut them out completely.
I don't use facebook, and other social media sites. To me it's something ordinary, sociable people use. If I were to use it I know I'd feel a sense of fakeness to it, since I'd feel like I'm pretending to be just like everyone else, when I know I'm not.

Besides, I don't feel comfortable publicizing myself on the internet, the way people do on those sites. If I were to go on holiday for example, I'm not the type of person who would share any photos with my relatives, yet alone people I barely know via the web.

Maybe there isn't much about my life to publicize anyway, but I find it kinda weird to be so self-promoting. Maybe I'm just too self-conscious but the less people know or see me, the more comfortable I feel. Most others clearly don't feel that way, and I'm not gonna pretend like I am that way just to fit in.

Another reason I don't use it, is that since 'everyday people' use it, there's going to be 'everyday problems', like bullying, racism, obnoxious people etc. That's the very kind of stuff, I use the internet to get away from.
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Apparently there was an "official" post on there last week saying that from April 1st, if you're caught swearing on there, your account will be suspended pending investigation, and if they let you back and you get caught again, your account will be deleted.

Sounds like an early "April Fool" joke to me but I daren't test it in case it is right.
Apparently there was an "official" post on there last week saying that from April 1st, if you're caught swearing on there, your account will be suspended pending investigation, and if they let you back and you get caught again, your account will be deleted.

Sounds like an early "April Fool" joke to me but I daren't test it in case it is right.
I'm always highly suspicious of anything on April 1st.
"Needless to say, Facebook has made no such announcement nor sent any statement about launching an anti-profanity campaign like the one described here. Note that the date of implementation in the 2017 example coincides with April Fools Day.

Facebook does provide optional profanity filters that will block posts containing certain offensive words, and Facebook’s Community Standards and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities sets down some guidelines about posts that might be considered hate speech."

FACT CHECK: Has Facebook Launched a 'No Swearing' Campaign?
You asked, "do y'all do FB or anything like that?" I closed my FB account approximately one year ago. I do enjoy viewing Instagram but that is it. You didn't ask but dump FB. You don't need it. Move on to more selfless and rewarding time investments. I do hope that wasn't too blunt. I know that FB is exceptionally important to many but one has to ask if the benefit is worth the investment. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. If it isn't let it go. I'm sure many may disagree. My heart hurts for you and I just know you can find an outlet for your thoughts, ideas, and curiosities other than FB. Did I ramble too much? I am trying to be more concise and to-the-point.
Ive somehow gone my whole life without ever having a FB account. Im not better than anyone for this fact, but I could tell from day one, that it was not for me. Why would anyone want to have an entire website dedicated to how great they supposedly are. It’s all cherry picking from the best moment of your life too . Not representative of reality at all. It cant even wrap my head around the desire to want to make a webpage just about how great i am. Which is what it basically is. LinkedIn at least has some alternative function but even that is a but much.

Not a hater, but not a lover either. Erase it man.. wh cares!
I must have missed a mission statement or something.
Where does it say that things a person posts on Facebook
must be the most supremely superlative moments in life?

That's not what I see on Facebook.
Maybe it depends on who a person has allowed
as Facebook "Friends."

What I see, when I look at [my] Facebook, is a mixture of
babies/children, puppies (my cousin raises dogs),hospital
trips (asthma, heart trouble, cancer etc), expectations (movies
people are waiting in line for), and projects (electronics, home
improvement) and memes.
Not displays of "I win, so you
are probably a loser."
I want to delete my account so bad. I have no business whatsoever on social media. I don' t know what I was thinking. I mean, it's social media. A lot of my family has distanced themselves from me because of things I've cheerfully & obliviously posted on it without thinking that are so fascinating to me and, I'm guessing, incredibly tedious to others. Or missing the point entirely. I don't know. And 99% of what I see other people posting seems to be a sort of catalogue of incontrovertible evidence of the trophies & accomplishments life has awarded them.

Do y'all do FB, or anything like that?

I deleted my account! I wasn’t doing anything on it or with it for over 1.5 years.
I must have missed a mission statement or something.
Where does it say that things a person posts on Facebook
must be the most supremely superlative moments in life?

That's not what I see on Facebook.
Maybe it depends on who a person has allowed
as Facebook "Friends."

What I see, when I look at [my] Facebook, is a mixture of
babies/children, puppies (my cousin raises dogs),hospital
trips (asthma, heart trouble, cancer etc), expectations (movies
people are waiting in line for), and projects (electronics, home
improvement) and memes.
Not displays of "I win, so you
are probably a loser."

You may be right @tree. I literally have never had a FB, so its a bit like saying i know i dont like Madagascar. How could i say that if ive never been. But everytime i see my friends’ feed. it seems like that. And I feel like really great “superlative” moments are often ruined by peoples need to get a picture to show off. You have to admit, it is human nature to display your best self. WHich is fine, but i guess im too much of a crmudgine to care. I definetly dont judge others if they like FB. I see the utility of it, but i think I am at least i am somewhat correct about the “conspicuous consumption” aspect of it.

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