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Does anyone else want to be touched all the time?

I only like being touched by this guy. :rabbitface:
I was under the impression most ppl on the spectrum aren't that comfortable being touched.

His touch is all. I like it when he makes me feel like a woman and without his touch "sexy time" does not exist to me.

I definitely like hugs, but I’m choosy about who I’m hugged by. If it’s a woman I’m attracted to, I’ll definitely accept. I do like hugging repeatedly, if they want to. I like hugs that are substantial and that last, but I do know the proper way to hug in public. I’d like hugs from everyone I like.

Then ultimately, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I love to cuddle. It’s great to cuddle with a pretty woman and give big, long, tight, intimate hugs. I love to squeeze and be squeezed (I can really squeeze if you let me, and I like to be squeezed equally tight). It will probably also involve lying down and snuggling close together, nuzzling faces, and stroking and rubbing. I think it’s a combined sensory experience of feeling snug and a sensual experience of feeling the warmth of a woman’s body and skin (it’s the warmth that makes regular hugs feel nice, too), and it’s wonderful. I could probably cuddle non-stop for a long time if I had the opportunity. If I could, I’d like a chance to cuddle with as many people as I could.

Right now I’m feeling quite touch starved, and I’m longing to cuddle with someone. It could be a romantic partner, or even just a friend. Maybe both (I’ve mentioned before that I identify as polyamorous).

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