I'm an autistic adult and I know making friends and having friendships that last can be a very common issue for a lot of us who are autistic people. I wanted to make this thread to ask if anyone has an particular advice for this issue as an adult, and also if anyone else perhaps has experienced this issue with the similar nuances I have.
I'm in my late 20s and I have in the past several years had problems with loneliness catch up with me, over the duration of my life thus far as I have had very few friends that I have known in-person/face-to-face (I can count how many on one hand, in fact); I have some online friends that I speak to that I do cherish highly, but we can't always talk due to factors like us all living in different timezones across the world, commitments including our jobs, etc, which is of course a given with online friendships.
Recently I had a few things happen that have made me realise in terms of face-to-face relationships,I have so few people in my life that I realise that if something happened to them I would have absolutely nobody in my life. Couple this with the fact that most of the people I refer to are the small number of immediate family members that I still choose to have relationships with (I was abused as a child by certain family members, I will not elaborate further) and that I, albeit out of personal preference mostly, live alone in an apartment, and it has caused me a lot of anxiety that I will eventually be completely alone in this world.
I have thought about seeing if I could find any groups in my area for stuff I'm very interested in. Does anyone have any advice for doing or proceeding with that? I have a few particular specific special interests that I am extremely passionate about and will devote much of my free time and after I'm finished with work days to engaging with or researching, but said interests have often been labelled "niche" by NTs (a word I have over the past several years felt disdain for). I feel like I want to be around other autistic or ND people that have similar passions or interests, but I genuinely don't know how to do this.
Anybody got any advice?