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Does anyone here believe we are in the biblical end times?

Everyone always thinks they're living in the end times. I think this is just part of the human experience.

We draw parallels, see patterns we want to see, and have a sense of urgency kind of baked within us. Mostly because we're worried about our survival and wellbeing, but also because we're constantly seeking a higher purpose. I don't fault anyone for doing any of this, but sometimes it's worth it to realize that in this life, it's always going to feel like the world is coming to an end right before our eyes, even if that couldn't be further from the truth.
Yuk, imagine eating curried Braun (or boboti mince) op n vetkoek
Wat n Berger!!

Looser of trivial pursuit eat this with straight face.

You know whats also quite Grosse is chicken soup mix, it's offcuts/bones with soggy soup skins (eeuuuuu) en sit n kreul-naeltjie on top!
It isn't the end times. It's just media focusing on the negative and people eating it up. Statistically speaking we've never as a species been more prosperous in general. We are healthier, bigger, live longer, smarter, etc etc. And while climate disasters are ramping up, they still aren't effecting large enough groups to effect or even account for anything approaching a majority.

Now that could seem skewed if you're an American with the ridiculous amount of mass shootings. I think the last several years in a row they've had more mass shootings than days in the year. Yet the nutters don't think guns are an issue but now we are onto another topic entirely.
But it's weather signs, and all disease, moral fibre or lack there of.
I sometimes think it's true, then I read that it's holy war but humanity will rebuild and life will go on.
Can't say for sure, but at times think perhaps spiritual is existing, and should be recognised. I think I believe it's end times
But it's weather signs, and all disease, moral fibre or lack there of.
I sometimes think it's true, then I read that it's holy war but humanity will rebuild and life will go on.
Can't say for sure, but at times think perhaps spiritual is existing, and should be recognised. I think I believe it's end times
Coming from a heavy environmental sciences background I can't attribute the weather to any religious prediction. I think it's pretty apparent we caused some major damage to this planet and now we have to suffer. Now interestingly enough while I can see the potential for the end of the human species as a result of our actions I don't think it "end times" as I full well believe that even after we wipe ourselves out this planet will keep on trucking just find. It's hubris to think we are "destroying" the planet. In truth we are just destroying the part we rely.

From the disease angle we've never had more treatments or cures for that matter coming down the pipe. Consider that apart from the USA every modern country has universal healthcare and medicines/treatment for the most part are free. The sheer number of diseases that used to be deadly and now are just an afterthought really puts things into perspective. When's the last time you had a childhood friend die from polio? Exactly.

Now the "moral fiber or lack there of". That point isn't worth saying much to. Morality is a human invention dependent upon the observers opinion. What is moral to some is immoral to others. I for instance would be considered immoral by some on this page as I'm fine with swearing and think it can actually add to the conversation and isn't just something that crass dullards do.

I don't know how old you are but I'm in my 40's and so far I can probably think of about 5 different "the world was ending" moments in my own lifetime and hundreds if I were to go through the last 100 years. Humanity bungles and screws up a lot but in the end we survive because we are incredibly resilient. And we breed enough stupid fodder for the trial and error testing of what we should and shouldn't do.

Ultimately though I can't put any stock in "end times" thoughts as that would also involve me accepting that the Christians were correct and that is not something that will ever happen. Following a book written by committee 2-300 years after the events that was then telephone game changed throughout the centuries to meet the agenda of whatever ruler was in power. Say what you will about the Quran at least it reads with one singular author, much more coherent work of fiction. I feel that most religions offer good lessons on living absolutely none of them have any proof other than "I believe it's real". If there were definitive proof we wouldn't have multiple 1000's of religions.
Go to chatgpt.com and copy & paste the following:

Out of all documents in antiquity, what stands out in terms of dating closest to the original date, the most number of copies, and the most external references? Compare to other documents to give an idea of how outstanding it is.

What makes Jesus' resurrection unique is that it meets the criteria for a historical fact. Overwhelming historical fact. Except for methodological naturalism, which a priori rejects any supernatural explanation and has to seek out alternative explanations such as the Q source hypothesis (which there is no proof for).

I know you don't believe it. Most people don't believe it. That is your choice.

As for the End Times thing - there is a very clear Scripture which is not being met - many people claiming to be the Messiah and many being fooled. Until that happens, there is no way to credibly say we are in End Times. But that doesn't stop many from wishing it were so.
As child I became atheist and was obsessed with how stuff worked, my teen crash leaving me to gather pieces and get my life together, apart of me did change due to experience, whether it was spiritual calling... Seeing hybrid creatures now sends a moral message to me, despite whether we sharp enough to do it, should we?
Honestly Christianity is wide spread and my understanding of bible wasn't all together clear, there were reasons in those days to be kosher, serious reason for many of laws that aren't evident. It's confusing as I'm not Christian, I don't fit in with Israel at all, but there were 12 tribes of Israel. Book of judges being a book for our tribe of titan, but ongoing civil war and not everyone agrees with Samson marrying outside of our people. So Jeremiah will always be my favourite, Ezekiel is good. There were many Jews who went for Jesus, it's unclear which tribes kept kosher and why.
Due to variations in tribes, some discontent with some tribes lifestyles or the books of their prophets, the bible is clear on David's downfall but disputes on laws regarding slaves escalated to divide. When some slaves had better land and rights, we with no land were influenced by Syrian settlers during spice wars. I love consistency within Quran and history of our people and my life is reasoning behind my decision to study islam.

like I said I was lead to learn spirituality, and it has helped me greatly.
Throughout ages it was difficult to oppose the majority even if they were incorrect. If one can't provide proof of address or fingerprints, can't use bank which = can't transact in today's day.
This was Jeremiah of Victor and it is pessimistic, that's correct....so often evil conquers good and weary are unable to stand up in fear of destruction to their lives. However it's not my right to oppose however I'm in disagreement over deporting immigrants from Hungary. When my neighbour should come to my door and ask me for assistance it is my honour to treat them as my best guest. The French tribe occupy most of Europe by labelling slight diversification as I dependent countries, also serve to live on other continents which are clearly not their land. Whether the corrupt, self serving EU likes my views or not I believe in being a force to be reckoned with.
Bulgaria is our land, we also tired of being landlocked and rely on sea access, and despite clear disputes, they clearly ignore these claims. Many wives taken over centuries were actually forbidden, the conversions were not willing, the person's identity forsaken - how do we resolve this. By permitting refugees to be relocated to Bulgaria that they may find peace, who allows this, the very decision by which you originally took what was not agreed upon. Long story short.

How does one live feed from neighbours interferences, how can we oppose a great force that disrespecting our freedoms, by standing up with faith that the actions are sure to bring about chance whether it's liked or not.
I'm still at odds about this:
Dutchies insist that their war crimes against vieetnaam were actions in war however there are times we defending our own border vs exploiting others to uphold lifestyle. Then whilst sanctions continue this country accepts AI investments and has excesses over not claiming museum pieces. If you can't be self-protecting, fine but don't expect everyone else to pardon you eating at our table (food wasn't on offer) whilst expecting others to go without. A few lectures on what suits EU doesn't pardon this and not first time they in poverty due to giving Dutch cultural influences (like yoga) that didn't belong to them. I've seeing this going on for ages, how they help RSA at expense of own children, a fool to believe the slave driver could ever care.

I used to think I'm this way inclined due to my autism, but after being on forum I've realised some of my influences must be coming from elsewhere.
My perception is that we evaluate war crimes on basis of risk to civilians within our borders. This way Holland is encouraged to find better gold digging practices in the future. What would they know about struggles, they've never even fought war to defend their land.
Where did this trail of my thought scatter?
Does having autism make us smart, are we the one who are accelerating science and technology, is this relevant to end times and this thread?

If Elon musks success is clever by using NT methods to achieve success,
Is there a prejudice by German EU to provide jobs to some and not include us all.
How on earth do some of us survive, on poverty or live entire life excluded from life and battling our difficulties while nt lives are better and better and they can't even give us space n power to define the job market we do/or do not create?
If we are what drives technology, why are we so unhappy and is it time we let them know who is disabled.

Article in support of this argument:

Are Autistic People Smart? Autism Geniuses

Conclusion: are we morally obliged to take control of the planet and assist nt people with moral rules, do most autistic values lend to asd traits that may not lie purposefully but in some areas we lack spiritual guidance?

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