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Does anyone like art?

I run an art blog so yeah I like art and post art too. I'm glad I've been able to get into modern art in recent years as previously it was impenetrable to me.
Interesting blog, I'm following... a little dark though :) I scrolled down, I would say, my favorite post is the Colarusso one :)
I just finished doodling Floki and thought I'd share.
I love art you can express so much, i love Salvador and edvard munch , my paintings are surreal but quit childish i would be too ashamed to show (nothing like Artistjenjen)
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good photo editing app? As you will soon tell, the basic functions on this model iPhone (which auto corrects it's own name!!! ...smug bastards! :D ) like lighting and filter choice do make worlds different...I'd just like to have more to play with and enhance my art!? I'm quite sure some other Aspie artist (I like that professions name because it's unisex!) or are/were females "artisans?" GOOGLE!!? lol. In a sharing mood today; here are some pics of my art...my Mom's Mother's Day gift (it comes from the h3art, and materials to make it are bought...I'm broke, I gotta be cheap! :D )
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Cast your vote for best so far?

That's original and then iPhone :p filters basic stuff...
it's kinda gross, the way my mind works at times...but (it's the Chinese kanji, or whatever, symbol for mother.) but if you can shift the good ól imaginer...it's also a close up of a section of ocean with a black island containing two Navy vessels in it's center. So, kids...what is on Navy ships!?
SEAMEN!!!! BaHaHa :D (hope that was a laugh for the day, rather than a groan...lol)
I love number 4 it is so upbeat because of the contrast of the complimentary colours.
I love art it is such a calm happy thing for me. My fareriete artist are De Cheero, The Boyal family and Gildworthy. My faverite mediums is ceramics but I also love painting and drawing.
I love art and honestly I wish I could try and make a side career out of it if possible or even main which is pretty difficult. Have to agree on the depression part for theres something I'm making that I call Void of Glass in which gives an idea of a mind that is covered by glass within a void and once shattered those memories all fade. In the end for those who do love art, your all an inspiration towards others with creative ideas. Art is such a beautiful thing that shows so much more than what others cannot see. Hopefully I can help reinspire, you do a really great job
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i very much like to combine architecture and arts in new styles. this one is a blend of futurism and historicism - intellectualized fantasy^^ - yet constructed economically for real use.


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experimental visuals for the structure shown above

[modelled + rendered in blender [if anybody is into 3D-modelling]]

[a] | cybernetic baroque and s. dalí

Kybernetik Barock mit Dali.webp

post digital age office with foldable desk

T4 Innenraum01-sm.webp

[c] science research center assembly hall - therefore openly displayed [gigantic] electric generators, and an optical-fibre-sunlight-ligthing-wall lit by real sunlight captured outside.

Max_Ischreyt_Saal 03-sm.webp
I love art, even though I don't necessarily understand it. For me, going to the museum I basically just consume the art. As if looking at the colors and patterns (of modern art, my favorite type) just directly enters my visual cortex and massages it - it is a very calming experience. For example, one of my favorite artists, Mark Rothko, I had no idea that he was dealing with difficult emotions and expression spiritual ideas in his art - I didn't sense any of that, I just delighted in the color. It's only later that I found out he committed suicide using some artist tool. However, when I saw one of his final works, the chapel, I suddenly got it - because it was done in a form that I already recognized. Right now I am revisiting my love of Edward Hopper paintings.
it is my impression that a lot of famous artists have autistic oder asperger's traits. for example salvador dalí. though he was properly disturbed. it is said his parents believed him to be the reincarnation of his brother who had died shortly before is birth. poor boy. loved only because his of his brother's supposed soul to live within him. scary, never to be loved yourself. feels like me. i wanted to become like dalí when i was younger; i therefore painted a lot in surreal style. =P he became a proper narcissictic mad man - like me, too. what is more, he seemed to be terrified of people and very shy, and he never managed to get along well with strangers - like me. so his uncle told him he should start pretending to be somebody else and tell them lies about imaginative achievments - like me, except for the uncle; it seems as if he had made this his guiding principle in life - like me, for some years - known to have said things like

'el surrealismo soy yo' [i am [the artstyle of] surrealism]; or

'Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Salvador Dali.'; or

At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since. ; or

I don't do drugs. I am drugs.

don't be sad, salvador; I love you. =D

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