Martha Ferris
Seeking answers
Can you expand on how you are able to differentiate?
Before one decides that what one is experiencing is metaphysical one must rule out every other possibility for the experience.
I know what is coming from within me and what is coming from without. Everything is energy. With experience one can differentiate what is our own, that which we generate, and what is not.
For me a metaphysical experience has a clarity that is not present in any other experience. A dream doesn't have that kind of clarity nor does a hallucination nor does my reality for that matter. I have experienced all of them so I know what they feel like.
I have little imagination so I am unable to make things up. I am unable to pretend for the most part or if I do not for long. It's not how I am made therefore my imgination is not a reason for what I experience. I am grounded in the truth and won't accept that which isn't true no matter what I want to believe. I want the truth so I question everything including my own perceptions.
A metaphysical experience can occur at the same time as a dream but there is a definite difference between the dream and the metaphysical experience. It's like dreams and hallucinations are grey in color and metaphysical experiences are white; a bright light. There is no confusing them. Light is energy BTW.
Again it comes down to experience and of questioning what is really going on here not just accepting that whatever is happening that you don't understand is metaphysical. Always rule out every other reason first. That is the bottom line. What is happening and why and be determined to find the truth even it you don't like it.
Also if one has a mental health diagnosis that includes delusions and hallucinations one must tread with caution. I have been found to be delusional solely because I believe in a higher power however my experiences extend beyond that delusion therefore one can conclude that my experiences are not a product of that delusion.
It also helps to be tested. I have been unofficially and what I have done cannot be rationally explained. For example I was doing a healing on the elbow of my attorney. She had tendonitis. We were sitting face to face, I had both hands on either side of her elbow but not touching her. My arms and hands were suspended in the air. My head was down, my chin was on my chest and my eyes were closed. Unbeknownst to me while I was working she was slowly moving her arm and my hands followed the movement never touching her. When I was done she told what she had been doing.
See my response to SusanLR