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Does anyone walk on their toes, or been told a lot that they walk differently or funny?

I've been walking differently from the beginning. But that's just because I have cerebral palsy.
I am often asked if I am limping, when in fact I am not. Other than the general clumsiness, though, why would funny walks be associated with AS.? In your walking on toes case, a possible physical manifestation of the 'walking on eggshells' feeling we get when dealing with NT folk? I know, when living in an 'attached' property, I hate generating the slightest noise that the neighbours might hear, and thinking about that I see myself tiptoeing around ( in my imagination)
Not really, but I do have a brother who walked on his tippy toes because of how self conscious he was about his height.
I also walk on my toes, I hate making noise and I hate it when others walk on their heals like there is no one else around to hear them. When I'm sleeping I constantly wake up because people walk on the heals of their feet. I find it very annoying
Oh dear, yes! Definitely yes!
I was criticized so many times, in fact, more that i can count. Phases like: "why don't you walk like a lady that you are?" or "why do you walk like you're jumping?" and even : "why do you walk so tense?" (helooo! I am walking on the street, there's people there! Worse, there's people looking at me! Oh my... so frustrating! so deeply annoying!!).

Then i start to look at the other girl, around me or on tv and study how they act and walk, so now my walk style a little is bit different (but ALL end if there's a crowd or if i'm stressed (happens all the time).
My wife says that I bounce when I walk, like I'm skipping. I find this horrifying given that that is not how I imagine myself. I have been working on this.
Prior to my teen years I tended to walk in a "stilted" fashion....swaying a bit side to side. In the sixth grade, kids mercilessly made fun of me over it, and I gradually was able to subdue this trait. Although at times I can still find myself doing it.

It was one of those Aspie traits I thought I didn't have as it was considered an aspect of "clumsiness" which I initially dismissed. Then I read further about "stilted walking" to confirm it as yet another aspect of being autistic that adds up with so many other issues.
I also walk way too quickly. I'm not comfortable walking at a gentle pace. Many times whilst out, I've been told to slow down. Probably why I trip sometimes.
I've not done as much lately, but yes, there was a time when I would walk on tippie-toes ALL THE TIME! And apparently, as my boss pointed out one time, I am prone to doing this strange little pirouette thing, where if I hear someone speaking or the like and I have to turn to face the opposite direction, I'll sort of put my weight on one leg and twirl around.
I'm not a toe walker. My 3 year old son is, though, and damn does he have some developed calves. I have, however, gotten comments from a young age about my "sexy" walk or my "strut" and it has always made me uncomfortable. I don't try to shake my hips. Maybe they are just large. I try to do everything pretty inconspicuously but even my husband has told me I have a head-turning walk. Therefore I try to kind of skulk around whenever I have to walk anywhere, like to the restroom in a restaurant. If I try to change my walk, I end up overcompensating with my arms and then I look like a fool. I am a bit dyspraxic - it takes me several times to learn new dance moves or similar. I go to this "super sculpt" class because it's a killer workout but I know the teacher and other people in the class must think I'm a total moron because I still haven't learned the moves. She'll just yell out "Charleston!" and within a nanosecond all the others are doing some flappy thing. WTF? I was just marching. So I'll start doing the flappy thing and then everyone is off and facing a different direction doing a damn grapevine. Ugh. Anyway. I'm ranting. To answer the original question: yes, I have been told I walk interestingly.
I scare the hell out of my roommate all the time. I don't know why but I walk very quietly and he never hears me coming. I have been accused of being a ninja by a coworker I nearly caused to have a heart attack, twice. Someone is going to put a bell around my neck soon.
I walk on my toes all the time! I even have to watch out that I don't do it while wearing shoes. I forget sometimes which can cause awkward situations at work. Or weird looks in public haha
Funny thing: I'm terrible at walking on heels..
I scare the hell out of my roommate all the time. I don't know why but I walk very quietly and he never hears me coming. I have been accused of being a ninja by a coworker I nearly caused to have a heart attack, twice. Someone is going to put a bell around my neck soon.

LOL I get this one too. I am extremely quiet, now if I think about it beforehand I will try to make some sort of scraping noise with my foot or clear my throat when I'm far enough away to not make someone jump out of their skin. When I was little, my first pair of shoes when I learned to walk had bells on them so my parents could keep track of me.

I do still walk a little weird sometimes, I've had people tell me I don't swing my arms enough, I always look at the ground instead of ahead of me (how can you *not* look at the ground?), and if my old hip injury flairs up I limp like a zombie.
I scare the hell out of my roommate all the time. I don't know why but I walk very quietly and he never hears me coming. I have been accused of being a ninja by a coworker I nearly caused to have a heart attack, twice. Someone is going to put a bell around my neck soon.
This happens to me a lot, actually! One time I accidentally snuck up on a co-worker twice in one day, only it was I who called myself the "ninja." :)
I scare the hell out of my roommate all the time. I don't know why but I walk very quietly and he never hears me coming. I have been accused of being a ninja by a coworker I nearly caused to have a heart attack, twice. Someone is going to put a bell around my neck soon.
Thats seems nice, You are a ninja!

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