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does aspergers mke u antisocial and withdrawn/ introvert

Although i prefer my own company i make a point of forcing myself to go out regularly otherwise i go a bit wonky.
What is wonky?


informal adjective
  1. crooked; off-center; askew.
    "you have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth"
    • (of a thing) unsteady; shaky.
      "they sat drinking, perched on the wonky stools"
    • not functioning correctly; faulty.
      "your sense of judgment is a bit wonky at the moment"
I think everybody, whether they have Asperger's or not, is born as an introvert or extrovert, so it's a part of how your brain functions. I just happen to be an introvert, along with being as Aspie, so that works out fine for me. Most of the social interaction I have is with my wife, and that is fine with me. My idea of a good time is spending the evening at home. I get some brief, limited interactions with people at work. In general, I just prefer either being by myself or with my wife.
i never want to go anywhere with people id rather stay home and be on internet 75% of the time, unless im getting fast food or something good to eat I never want to leave SRS. I only really leave my room when someone offers me to go get mcdonalds, I don't really like humans, and I would rather play video games or just post on forums/ listen to music do my own thing most of the time. I don't feel the need to really go out and socialize everyday I find it boring and meaningless anyway.
You sound a lot like me. I like videos games too but haven't played any lately. I try to keep myself busy with hiking trips.

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