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Doesn't eat food just snacks

I agree with Mary Terry, the minute I gave first chocolate the fussy started. More junk I allow, fussier they get.
I let mine go a bit hungry....and then they ate their veggie soup and no problems ever again.
Must eat veggies
Other times was less crisps and 2 Min noodles or corn flakes and dad's junk list....replaced with crumbed chicken strips and mash/fries
Vienna on roll is meal but it's processed so depends how strict you are.
Be insistent on finish food if you want pudding ....this way snacks are not food
There is sugar in everything making kids hyperactive, and all junk isn't good for concentration.
The one day I binged, on packet salt n vinegar chips (brand unnamed) but for 2 hours I could feel my sensory tilt, so it's not just rumour about kids diet and cooked meals.
My alteimers was worsened by my ex because I'm glutton intolerant and he's so inconsiderate. In our house I don't buy bread because even healthy bread has shelf life preservatives, but I will eat fresh baked white flour, pasta is very limited.

My boy liked chicken and not read meat so I allowed that kind of fussy but I think I still add bit chicken in their soup...

It's concentration, growth development. So set record with him, you boss and no more junk
No mix it coldrinks with artificial sugar and flavour, drink tea
Sounds like you are possibly up against some sensory issues. Smell is a major source of food aversion for me. Eating is tough for some of us.

I would encourage you to keep trying new foods without putting yourself through too much stress. It sounds like you are very attentive to your son's challenges and are learning how to communicate with him and meet his needs.

Building communication can sometimes be a big help in unexpected ways. I wonder if he may benefit from the ability to choose his own food (but you decide what the choices are). For example, have two pictures prepared of two things he likes. Show him both pictures and ask him to choose which one he wants. I'm just thinking that many children benefit from having some agency, especially those that have communication difficulties. You could start with mozzarella sticks and french fries and offer him a choice. Sometimes you could include a treat food, but gradually move to healthier choices once he is used to it.

Eating can be difficult. It is an important skill to learn and your little one doesn't have the context yet to understand that we need to learn how to eat in a healthy way. Right now, this challenge is on you, the parent. So, be patient with yourself and utilize your resources (doctors, the teachers at the school, internet forums, etc.).

Good luck to you. I hope you get some useful ideas from others here on the forum.
Yes that is what the people at the center are doing with him, they are giving him choices using pictures, thanks for the tip.
Hi All,
My 5 year old son, recently stopped (or eats just a little) eating regular food like breakfast, lunch and dinner. All he want to eat is junk like chips, cookies , ice cream.... and he throws a fit , if he doesn't get them. I am really worried. He doesn't eats veggies or fruits at all. I spend a good amount of the day (trying different cuisines) and trying to feed him in different settings, but none of them work, it is the same case at his special day care. Any advise.
Make hot chips out of vegetables.
Make a fruit salad and put some ice cream in.
Make healthy cookies.
You could try to make everything healthy and tempt with that.
Either way it could be a phase he would have to grow out of.
So I mean maybe you could monitor it and see how it goes and try to suggest or make healthy choices for him.

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