I came across the following words in this article: http://www.semissourian.com/blogs/1452/entry/33295/
"You see I am not one of these new wave types that tries to deny the history of my chosen breed. I never try to paint a picture of a wimpy, angelic dog that would never do wrong. On the contrary, I can not stress enough the extra responsibility that goes along with owning this breed. This is not the dog for everyone any more than a Labrador Retriever or a Pomeranian is right for everyone. When choosing a dog, you should always research and choose according to your lifestyle and abilities. What I can say about Pit Bulls is that when bred correctly by standard, and owned by responsible people, they are a most amazing dog.
Pit Bulls were bred to be the ultimate athlete. The old dog men had no desire to mess around with dogs that had orthopedic problems. Originally, these dogs were in the 45 pound range. Today the standard allows for males to be between 45 and 65 pounds. There is a proven coorelation between the white pigment and deafness. The standard reads no dogs over 80% white. Blue is still being advertised as "rare" and desirable. Blue coats have some definate skin issues in most breeds. The point to all of these aesthetics and build descriptions is that dogs with any health, foundation or sense disability were culled. That is why there was so little genetic infirmity in the breed. That is, until the uneducated decided that simply having two purebreds made it alright to breed.
The temperment of the Pit Bull came from the desire to produce a power house that was absolutely docile to its handler. The gameness, or desire to fight, is a natural instinct in most Terriers. Terriers are a group of dogs that were bred to clean out varmint infestations without hesitation. The standard for Terriers as a group mentions they are fearless, tenacious and incredibly intelligent. This natural instinct has been exaggerated through selective breeding. The small Terriers are still set to spar, or face off, in the American Kennel Club show ring. This is a trait of the Terrier group. This is not to say they are mean. There is a world of difference between gameness and meaness. Gameness can easily be understood by observing the way humans deal with adversity in their own lives. Some people fall apart, but others face what life throws them head on. They are considered "game".
In the case of the Pit Bull, the old dog men could not have a gladiator that would turn on its handler or that was a danger to his family. That meant that ANY Pit Bull that showed human aggressive tendencies was killed and was NEVER bred. This selective breeding has produced a dog that is so thoroughly humanized it does not know to fend for itself when dumped or lost. That is why I get so many phone calls about Pits that have shown up in school yards or on front porches. Their instinct tells them to find people and they will survive. How sad that people have become their greatest enemy."