In this case, from my sense of things after reading the thread, and from the original poster's honesty and sincerity shown about finding fault with himself, too, and wanting to be his best as well, for his kids and wife, I feel the op would be the better parent than the wife as it sounds like not only does not the wife validate his very upsetting feelings at all, or want to compromise or understand him at all, but she has been at least very psychologically abusive in the relationship and wants to admit no wrong in the relationship. That would severely upset any partner, much less one with Autism. This is not to say you are doing everything perfectly, or that your wife has not been harmed as well by any type of neglect or abuse or meltdowns from you, as that has likely happened and will harm that other, but clearly, as I see things you sound far more stable and caring than her, and I feel your pain more than hers, to be frank, as you seem to be making more loving efforts and seem more honest to me, based on the limited information I have.
It's far too common not only here, but in this society as well, to minimize a guy's abuse against him by the spouse, to find some more fault with him, to tell him to not blame the other or to get over it, and to let the other get away with the harms they caused too. This society often wants guys to either deal with abuse by themselves, hide it, or to get treatment for their messed up mental states, which the latter is good of course, but when it comes to the other gender, we as society want to tolerate their abuses more, deny it more, hide it more, and we do not want to talk about it generally, much less in detail. We want to portray them as all gentle, caring and loving, and be deceitful to everyone there. As well, we will not thus want to hold them responsible for it, by getting treatment for it or to press charges against them for it. The assumption is often that guys are the only one doing the big wrongs, or that they should be tough enough to deal with it. And the assumption is that women are the best parent and should be coddled and seen as the victim or most caring one foremost, and get custody for nearly all cases, which is absurd.
All are wrong assumptions. I have even seen on this forum how differently men are treated when abuse happens to them by their spouses or girlfriends. Often the recommendation seems to be that they should either work it out, when it's clear the spouse is not attempting change for the better there or admitting any wrong, or they try to invalidate the guys feelings and put him on the defensive. You know that the more that injustices like this occur, and the more the other does not want to be blamed or be held accountable for anything, the more this encourages that others' behavior to occur, enables that other to abuse the other victim more, and the more the victim will internalize these wrongs, either justify their wrongs they do, or cause more negative and harmful feelings to build and build. It takes two to make relationships work, and when only one side admits wrong or wanting to do better, that relationship is over or should be. But, yes, when one has children this can complicate things. For any to say this cannot make a guy for instance feel trapped, that is invalidating his feelings there too.
What loving father who has children wants to take up that risk of losing custody of his children, when he could love them more than the mother, and when that mother could at least show less love or more harm to them? So many children have severe conditions because of mothers too! Judgements and responsibility for actions has to occur, or the vicious cycle continues. To try to sweep things under the table, be positive about some situation that has shown no merits yet for that, that won't likely change anything. Positivity, compromise and good advice helps stable persons, not those who would act just as bad if the other attempted those good things.. The op even stated when his life and situation got better her behavior got worse. So, these guys do often feel stuck in the marriage, as in one sense they may not love their wife or feel any compatibility left there, or feel they cannot walk away from the abuse as the kids could be harmed more by that other, or the threat be against them that she'd kill herself or take the kids.
So, yes you are cornered, from what I see. And yes, you have every right to be angry. I do agree you should get counselling on your own, even if she refuses to go with you, not to save the marriage, but for your own mental sanity. Try to stay with any therapist that would more apt to be open minded to a male's perspective, and validate your feelings as a human being and see her as just as wrong, if not more.. For those who say, do not blame the other. I disagree. When the other committs any abuse that affects them much, you have a right to blame those actions and to have them stop. If the other cannot stand that truth, that is their issue. Having past abuse against you is not an excuse to abuse. It may explain things yes, but any abuse-physical, psychological, emotional, elder, sexual, and neglect can harm people not just temporary, but long term. But, yet many people want to repeat those ways or cannot help it, they say. Yet, others will deny they are doing any wrong there. That is the most galling to me.
OP, you deserve better. I wish there was a way you could divorce her and get the children, as you seem the most caring and stable. You seem like you'd do anything for your children and do your best as you can for them. You admit your imperfections and are willing to make sacrifices for so many, but do not feel that in return. But, in this case, you are trapped. I can see it. And other wise and honest persons can see it. And if the court systems gave mostly custody to guys, women would start feeling trapped too. They'd then be left in situations where they felt there was no way out. But, as it stands now, unless she is seen as totally unfit as a parent, she can be free to leave, if her financial situation allows such, and still have the kids there with her. And even if she is financially not able, the courts often try to get support for her there through him. So, unfortunately, unless she was medically or legally documented for severe abuses against you or deemed severely mentally unstable, it's far to say, you can feel in a Catch-22 situation, if you love much your children and want them to feel safer and happier.
Sorry if this offends anyone, but I am sick and tired of guys abuses again them being hidden or minimized, and the other abuses from others being minimized and hidden too.