As a psychology student, I have no problem declaring that (Western) psychology is stuck in the stone age. That's an exaggeration, but meant to illustrate how other scientific fields, as problematic as they are, still somehow make headway and confront their axioms from time to time.
The things described here like intuition and metaphysical experiences and "uncanny" abilities to connect with nature and animals, or to navigate, all of that sounds fundamentally human. So I agree with earlier sentiments about us being an older kind of human, less modern, more primal perhaps, and as such, much more connected to the rest of the earth around us.
I spent a few years convinced that I was psychic because of how much information I pick up around me. Didn't sit well with my degree in philosophy, so I called myself a "critical psychic". Now I just call it human, which term seems to carry extra weight these days, as people and machine fuse more and more.