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Yesterday while driving I was wonder why we, a bunch of matter, have to pay to be transported from one place to another. I picked a rock from the side of the road and gave it a lift home and thought: what do I tell now to it? That it has to pay me? Maybe I am weird xD but I can't really can't get it.
I can't do it at all. Or rather, I can do the driving bit but the whole reading-other-drivers-on-the-road feels impossible. Failed 8 so far which os fairly humiliating. Am trying to have a break from it for now. My spatial reasoning is (I realise now) nonexistent. Can't really figure out what instructors are talking about, all the instructions/descriptions seem so imprecise and I can't get to what they mean. Have started to wonder if this is an aspie-trait...? Was diagnosed at 23, started learning to drive at 31, taking a break from it now at 35 but would like to. Is this something other aspies have struggled with....?

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