Monsters, In - A film about monsters who broke into a prison, because they thought this would make them the "in" crowd, meaning the popular crowd
Watership Don - About a man called Don, who built a ship but had to be convinced that his ship was best placed in the water
Citizen Kan - Science fiction about how any citizen can do whatever they like
Taxi Drive - Very mundane. Just the cctv footage of an average 2 hour journey in a taxi. Didn't exactly go straight to the top of the billboard charts.
Watership Don - About a man called Don, who built a ship but had to be convinced that his ship was best placed in the water
Citizen Kan - Science fiction about how any citizen can do whatever they like
Taxi Drive - Very mundane. Just the cctv footage of an average 2 hour journey in a taxi. Didn't exactly go straight to the top of the billboard charts.