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Dynamic Hearing loss?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
The episodes hadn't happened often in my life, but sometimes I hear people speak muffled. I have excellent hearing, but my brain is stopping me from hearing what is being said... my hearing returns to normal after when the person stop speaking. Temporary selective deafness which doesn't much effect background noise. That's what made it so strange, the background wasn't muffled as much, as the person who was speaking to me. How is that even possible? I chalked it up to one hell of a defence mechanism with; some questions that are best left unanswered... But I am curious has anyone else had spontaneous deafness?
Sometimes I have trouble making out what people or saying, or picking out speech from background noise, particularly when several people are talking at once. It sounds more like mumbling than muffled. Or sometimes, I'm just overloaded or something, and I hear people without meaning, without interpreting what they are saying.

It's also possible that your ears are clogged up with earwax, perhaps you should check that out at the doctor's.
Sometimes I have trouble making out what people or saying, or picking out speech from background noise, particularly when several people are talking at once. It sounds more like mumbling than muffled. Or sometimes, I'm just overloaded or something, and I hear people without meaning, without interpreting what they are saying.

It's also possible that your ears are clogged up with earwax, perhaps you should check that out at the doctor's.

Yes.... I will go to the vet... Get my H7N9 shot too. While I'll explain, my new magic earwax joke!
Not sure I do, either.

H7N9 is a sort of flu.
Influenza A, aka "bird flu."
Influenza A virus subtype H7N9 - Wikipedia

I suppose the rest is just making light of the situation.
Referring to the doctor as a veterinarian and
intermittent hearing loss as a joke.
Yes, I know about the bird flu virus, I just don't see what it has got to do with going to the vet, his original post or my reply... He/she was asking for advice and I tried to help to the best of my ability, so why this strange reply? Perhaps he/she doesn't believe my earwax theory and is making light of it, well, I have had earwax blocking my ear canal and it does cause a muffling of sound and it is a potential cause of the issue.
Sometimes I have trouble making out what people or saying, or picking out speech from background noise, particularly when several people are talking at once. It sounds more like mumbling than muffled. Or sometimes, I'm just overloaded or something, and I hear people without meaning, without interpreting what they are saying.

It's also possible that your ears are clogged up with earwax, perhaps you should check that out at the doctor's.

I've always been like this, If in a loud place like in a busy restaurant with too many family members I cant engage in conversation well, I just can't make out all the words but everyone else can, However, outside of the situation not in noisy place or just one on one I can hear fine

I've always thought it strange and could not understand why no one else has this issue
I think I may understand about the hearing difficulties.

It’s rare in my case but has happened,
I’m watching the speakers mouth move and I know they’re talking.

My ears have picked up the vibrations of noise (speech) but my brain isn’t recognising and organising it.

Nothing happens.
The noise gets so far and then nothing.
Like a wire’s come loose or something.
No circuit.
I think I may understand about the hearing difficulties.

It’s rare in my case but has happened,
I’m watching the speakers mouth move and I know they’re talking.

My ears have picked up the vibrations of noise (speech) but my brain isn’t recognising and organising it.

Nothing happens.
The noise gets so far and then nothing.
Like a wire’s come loose or something.
No circuit.

That's it.! That's the symptom... which makes the earwax theory lame. I toon out when a doctor referral is suggested... I don't have an earwax problem... Never have... as said... I have great hearing . Earwax doesn't clear up at the end of a sentence., while the background noise does not tune out.

BTW since my avatar is a cat, it seemed appropriate to use the "vet" label. and give a warning to keep an eye on the H7N9 virus.. That's a referral I can better accept.
P.S ronald1957 is a male 61... check profile... Not a he/she .... Proster
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That's it.! That's the symptom... which makes the earwax theory lame. I toon out when a doctor referral is suggested... I don't have an earwax problem... Never have... as said... I have great hearing . Earwax doesn't clear up at the end of a sentence., while the background noise does not tune out.

BTW since my avatar is a cat, it seemed appropriate to use the "vet" label. and give a warning to keep an eye on the H7N9 virus.. That's a referral I can better accept.
P.S ronald1957 is a male 61... check profile... Not a he/she .... Proster
Firstly, my username is 'Progster', not 'Proster'.
Secondly, I don't assume any gender until I know otherwise, and I don't check out the profile page of every single user. I'm just not that curious.
The earwax idea is not lame. It came from your description, the use of the word 'muffling', a build-up of earwax does cause a muffling effect and should be ruled out, and if this is the case, going to see a doctor is the correct course of action.

I wrote my reply to try to help, with the best of intentions. If you think that my idea is wrong, then just say that it is wrong, you don't have to be rude and snarky about it!!
I wrote my reply to try to help, with the best of intentions. If you think that my idea is wrong, then just say that it is wrong, you don't have to be rude and snarky about it!!
Yes, you started fine, (then) reduced "Dynamic hearing loss" to ear wax build up, with the best of intentions.... I think snarky is adorable... After reading some of your own snarky past post.... I think your adorable too! Take care Poser... I mean Progster
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Yes, you started fine, (then) reduced "Dynamic hearing loss" to ear wax build up, with the best of intentions.... I think snarky is adorable... After reading some of your own snarky past post.... I think your adorable too! Take care Poser... I mean Progster

Seems to me like it was just a suggestion and now you are starting to come across as a bully
The thread is not the place for an analysis
of other members' posting styles
or an opportunity for bickering.

The thread topic is : the experience of spontaneous episodes
of intermittent hearing loss. The OP presumes no functional
hearing deficit is involved.

Please direct your replies toward the subject of
"Temporary selective deafness"
That's it.! That's the symptom... which makes the earwax theory lame. I toon out when a doctor referral is suggested... I don't have an earwax problem... Never have... as said... I have great hearing . Earwax doesn't clear up at the end of a sentence., while the background noise does not tune out.

BTW since my avatar is a cat, it seemed appropriate to use the "vet" label. and give a warning to keep an eye on the H7N9 virus.. That's a referral I can better accept.
P.S ronald1957 is a male 61... check profile... Not a he/she .... Proster
I have heard of the term hysterical blindness which is probably an out dated term maybe deafness could be in the same category
I don't like bullying either..... or hyper- cognitive dissonance.
We are what we are.... Gang protocol is not required.
Gang protocol is not required
Rudeness and bad attitude are not required.
Yes, you started fine, (then) reduced "Dynamic hearing loss" to ear wax build up, with the best of intentions.... I think snarky is adorable... After reading some of your own snarky past post.... I think your adorable too! Take care Poser... I mean Progster
You are well out of order. Ok, I may have said something wrong that you don't agree with and I'm sorry if I did as I do not mean to offend, but your reaction is wayyy over the top. Actually, I'm beginning to think that you're some sort of troll.
if it were voluntary to any degree, it could be a good thing. mine is not really voluntary, oh what a boon it would be were it so, all those political adverts on the telly would not force me to leap for the mute button.
This is a subject of interest to me as my live in seems to have this happen and I always wondered why.
Talking with people, watching a movie, etc. He often asks what did they just say?
I tell him and then it seems to make him angry and he replies "I didn't hear any of that!"
In a tone suggestive that I am just making it up.
Example: Only two nights ago we were ordering at a fast food chain and the cashier told us they were
cooking more of the product but it would be about six minutes more so would we like our soup and she would bring the meat out when it was ready?

I told her sure, that is fine.
While she was getting the soup, he looked at me and asked what she had said.
All he heard was she was getting the soup.
I told him the rest and he said I saw her mouth moving, but, I didn't hear any of that!
This happens frequently and I don't think it is his hearing. It seems selective, then angry when
I tell him what was said.
I felt like asking the woman to tell him what she had just said because it was as if he was accusing me
of lying or imagining it.

Same with me at times. "I don't know what you're saying. It's just jibberish! "

I've got to investigate this more in depth. Selective deafness or just saying so he can reply angry at me?
What's strange about this selective deafness as you call it; Is the trigger... I never was triggered when someone says, "do you want fries with that?" I stopped a four person conversation, I was in, when my mind edited out my hearing, while I was focused on the conversation... I asked the person to repeat it again..... gibbish again...,. so I asked my friend, what is he saying???.... because I'm in this freaky episode, where I am denied auditory access to his speech, while I am still able to hear a low music level in the background. I didn't know the mind can do that. The environment was calm & orderly.
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