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Dynamic Hearing loss?

Is ‘selective hearing’ actually a thing?

"Selective hearing in the context of trying to process both visual and auditory stimuli (for example, missing out on a doorbell because you were busy reading a book) might occur because we have “limited brain bandwith.” That is, our brain has a limited capacity to process information, and therefore it can’t process two stimuli at once. "
Breaking Down Selective Hearing | Audicus
I read the articles, but it doesn't hold true to what I've been experiencing.... and talking about... interesting articles though.
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I ask the man I spoke of about his episodes tonight at the risk of an angry reaction and he said he
doesn't understand it either. It just happens and he doesn't find a trigger for it.
He didn't want to talk much about it.
Knowing him well as I do if I were to second guess the cause of his episodes it is something between a
quick daydream or a sudden anger issue. He does have anger issues.
At times he says he has a short but intense thought on something he is hashing in his mind.
With him, it is a re-hash of something that created anger such as something someone said or did.
In those few seconds his thoughts are so condensed on the incident, external sound is blotted or jumbled.

He also has some dementia. How that might work neurologically I'm not sure.
Not saying any of this applies to your cause, but, this is my observations with one person only.
I am as interested in this as you since it involves how he reacts to me when he is harsh with his actions.

I will keep investigating.
Rudeness and bad attitude are not required.

You are well out of order. Ok, I may have said something wrong that you don't agree with and I'm sorry if I did as I do not mean to offend, but your reaction is wayyy over the top. Actually, I'm beginning to think that you're some sort of troll.

No I am not a troll... My apology, I didn't make light of intermittent hearing loss as a joke! Your comments and posts on the whole are pretty good. Sorry, we got off on the wrong foot!
Watching TV tonight this intermittent hearing problem my house partner has happened again.
I laughed at a line about a dog drinking mint tea and he was all frustrated saying he didn't understand
that whole little section of what was being said.
I repeated it and he ask if I could say it slower because he couldn't understand me either.
It sounded garbled to him.
I repeated the lines again...slowly. He seemed to get it.

Sound, just as any sensation in the body must follow a nerve pathway to the brain.
For example if a person has neuropathy, the feeling of touch may be broken as it travels to
the brain for interpretation. That got me to thinking about how sound might do the same thing if the nerve
conduction is breaking up at times.
I found this article on Auditory Neuropathy. Hearing can be good, yet garbled or lost momentarily, especially speech.
It makes sense.
Here is the link if you would like to read. It does speak of bouts of hearing speech distorted or lost at times.
Hearing loss - auditory neuropathy
There are intricate tests to determine various areas sound goes through even into the brain.
I haven't had an episode in over 10 years. How quickly it came and went, and the event it masked, seemed almost like intelligent intervention. .. my only explanation is an internal self defense was triggered. Maybe it's a defence mechanism against an unauthorized imprinting of thoughts shared in the conversation. It was 4 people speaking 1 at a time, with low music in the background.... I did feel charged, because it was an eye-opener conversation.

I just don't know how my brain knew how to edit in real time what was being said... like it knew before hand. That's why I named the title: Dynamic hearing loss. The editing seemed too precise... nature is a bull in a shop full of China Plates
No I am not a troll... My apology, I didn't make light of intermittent hearing loss as a joke! Your comments and posts on the whole are pretty good. Sorry, we got off on the wrong foot!
Thank you. Yes - it was a misunderstanding. I also should have read and thought about your post more carefully. I'm slipping! Let's move on and put it behind us.

Back to the topic. It is interesting. You say your ability to hear and interpret specifically speech faded, stopped or was muffled, but not due to background noise or other external factors - perhaps a kind of overload where your brain overloaded with information or emotion due to the trigger rather than sound, and just stopped processing the speech, or the meaning of the speech? The area of the brain responsible for processing speech was overloaded and got short-circuited? Was it accompanied by a panicky feeling or anxiety, or were you calm?
Thank you. Yes - it was a misunderstanding. I also should have read and thought about your post more carefully. I'm slipping! Let's move on and put it behind us.

Back to the topic. It is interesting. You say your ability to hear and interpret specifically speech faded, stopped or was muffled, but not due to background noise or other external factors - perhaps a kind of overload where your brain overloaded with information or emotion due to the trigger rather than sound, and just stopped processing the speech, or the meaning of the speech? The area of the brain responsible for processing speech was overloaded and got short-circuited? Was it accompanied by a panicky feeling or anxiety, or were you calm?
I was calm, but the hearing loss felt like a sabotage, a body betrayal. I wanted to come away with some emotional growth. These people had indepth backgrounds in their fields. How the conversation was developing while simplifying in new directions, as we each add our point of view.... It couldn't come at a worse time. Maybe I was going through a reality catch-up, which I wasn't emotional ready for...
I was calm, but the hearing loss felt like a sabotage, a body betrayal. I wanted to come away with some emotional growth. These people had indepth backgrounds in their fields. How the conversation was developing while simplifying in new directions, as we each add our point of view.... It couldn't come at a worse time. Maybe I was going through a reality catch-up, which I wasn't emotional ready for...
I see, so you felt let down at a crucial moment. I have had times where I have felt overloaded by information or my ability to process speech cut out - I hear someone speak but can't extract meaning from it - but not quite in the way you experienced it.
I just don't know how my brain knew how to edit in real time what was being said... like it knew before hand.
That is very interesting and our subconscious minds are very complicated if it was something trying to
protect you from what you weren't ready for.
Jumping to another theory, there are and have been much study and participational experiments on how
precognition could be scientifically explained.
This would lead off in another direction, but to simplify, if this theory is correct, the future already is and some at our current place in evolution seem to have the ability to pick up consciously or subconsciously.
As science grows, it is always disproving or proving itself.
Who knows?
There are some good documentary clips and discussions on You Tube regarding this subject.
I can hear just fine, but have trouble making out what someone is saying, it's worse on the phone. Of course though, my hearing has dulled a bit over the years. I used to be able to hear distant sounds, but not so much anymore, now the ringing in my ears drowns out some. Funny, because used to not affect it. I sometimes can't hear or understand what someone is saying with my glasses off, which seems weird. LOL

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