I defiantly have dyslexia too. And don't have time for a novel reply. But, dyslexia is not connected to ASD. Some with ASD have it obviously, but, there not connected. As for how it is to live with both? Well, Dyslexia and therefore those with it have more of a range of issue variety and degree then Aspies. And others with it. Your life quality is therefore greatly more dependent on the degree of the severity of your dyslexia, the combo of symptoms you struggle or have struggled with, and your environment, and up bringing, ect. Obviously, regardless of those things it makes your life more challenging then someone who is just an aspie. However, how much, depends on a number of factors, including who surrounds you and there personalities, there awareness and understanding of your issues, ect. It also depends on what specific things sometimes that your speaking about. For example, if your talking about my short term - memory for example, it makes my life tons harder. If your talking though about my ability to encode and decode though, that's not nearly as difficult now for me. So, that's just an added diagnosis in that case. Understand?
Generally, separating the two. And those with just one, for understanding purposes mainly. A Dyslexic can struggle with everything language based and associated with words and ideas. Organizing them, spelling them, retrieving them, remembering them, reading them, visualizing them, auditory processing, etc. An Aspie has issues feeling the right emotions at the right time, and thinking NT. Dyslexics have no issues feeling or the timing of there emotions. They have issues possibly for example stating the proper emotions due to there memory, but, that's different. Dyslexics, use more of there right side to think, etc., then the norm. Autistics have some wiring that doesn't even exist a little in a dyslexic or any non-HFA. If you have both, you get the advantages and disadvantages of both. Sometimes, dampening, some of the super strengths of either side. Follow?
For ex; I'm super creative ( Thanks to my Dyslexia and ADD). However, in all areas of my brain my short term memory is VERY impaired. (Something many Aspies are GREAT at.) Comparing and contrasting the too in detail, isn't easy, via a threaded board. So, I hope this helps.
With that said, government wise in the US society atleast, Aspies typically are seen as possibly more impaired. And kinda, rightfully so. Because our brains speak different languages and we have sensory issues. Things that are far less understood and treatable. Things that can't make us always as much more normal as possible. Compared to Dyslexic symptoms. Which can if remediated properly through the right instruction, direction, support, and ect. Will let us fit in far better, if that's our ONLY issue. There are exceptions however, if you compare a super remediated well employed aspie doing amazing for her/ himself/ with a severely autistic individual with remediation. Then the roles would differ.
Like Aspies, some of our tools are permanently damaged if even existent. However, our tools that either differ, are differently impaired, or have possibly different, future prognosis, sometimes also have semi-cure, potential. That Aspies don't have.
So is it harder. You bet! But, isn't anyone with ANY additional diagnosis of anything going to have more to deal with?! Without a doubt! I didn't read all if any of the replies before posting this.
In the disability world there are levels of normalcy and different. There are also levels of high functioning mental disabilities/ different to. Dyslexia is closer to more normal. However, Aspie, isn't the most wacko or different diagnosis of those with high functioning mental diagnosis's either.