@Gift to Humanity.
In my humble opinion, I think you're setting yourself up to fail.
I have to agree with Fino when he suggests your continuation of reading in early years and your idea of it protecting your family, conjecture.
Mum would have known the dangers. Fear can create helplessness in a person therefore mum could be forgiven for being terrified of dad.
It was never your role as a toddler to protect the family from an alleged aggressor.
Trying to take on that responsibility years later and blaming self for what you 'should have done' is understandable,
but fruitless.
We don't get 'do-overs'.
we can't go back in time and have another go.
You believe your continued reading could have saved your family but can never really know for certain if it would have changed the outcome.
All you can do is recognise the feelings of helplessness and guilt in this present moment and deal with that.
What happened, happened.
There's no fault or blame.
Make working through your feelings and moving forward with the utmost respect and kindness for yourself your priority.
Hi Gracey Thank you for your post.
I tried to tell myself I am not to blame. I am a life path 11 who is supposed to be a spiritual illuminary and lead people out of darkness, I know lots of people think woo woo, but Pythagoras discovered all numbers have electromagnetic energetic vibrations which is physics and I do believe it is accurate.
I have not done a numerology search on here yet, I did on WP, some autistics believe in it on there. I think it is eerie accurate, but I have lived my life the opposite way I should have and for reasons I cannot post on a public forum, I fear it is too late for me to change my life because of certain errors I have made.
Correct me if I am wrong, I just want to know I have interpreted your post right.
You think I am setting myself up to fail, and I feel you think that because you may think I am being hard on my self is that correct?
It may be conjecture, even arrogance on my part, that I could influence my mother. She hesitated to marry him, she didn't like the way he treated her, although she has been an avid junk TV watcher for years, as a child she used to object to the TV ruling the house, it kills imagination and it was Dad who was the TV addict.
Her intuition told her when I was 9 months to investigate whether I had autism, but she said no one was prepared to listen to her.
Mum would have known the dangers, but as the years went by, she became more like him and made statements of denial like "She is not treated badly by Dad" "Any problems I have with Dad are mine" she even stood by when Dad told me he would make me sh1t myself literally, she stood by when my sister told me at 18 he would smack me right in the mouth and became violent herself, in contrast to what I remember of her as a toddler when learning my abc's proud, loving etc, she came from a good family, her own father protected her sister from a toxic violent husband. Fear can create helplessness in a person but I believe a person chooses how to feel, many women who escape these relationships feel like they have taken back control of their lives.
I even read an article where a woman said she had listened to her children's intuition about her boyfriends when they said they were creepy and turned out wrong.
It seems a big ask from a toddler, and being autistic, my type of autism makes me choose the wrong words. I was a highly intuitive child and I believe that reading as a mediative activity would have honed this intuition so I could have warned her of the danger, IMPORTANT - as to what decision she made after that is up to her, out of my control, but the fact is I gave it up, and lost my intuition.
Trying to take on that responsibility years later and blaming self for what you 'should have done' is understandable,
but fruitless.
I think I understand the fruitless part of it, not being able to turn back time, but could you explain why you think it is understandable? thanks.
I agree I can't know for certain and don't know if you believe in numerology, I have strong spiritual beliefs, I know there is woo-woo out there which you have to sift though, and I feel I can tell the rubbish from the ancient wisdom.
The feelings of helplessness and guilt in this present moment are eating me up.
Given the errors I have made and the irreversibility of those (sorry I feel uncomfortable posting them publicly, as an aspie I hate vagueness) I fear that my life is over NOTE I do not mean suicide, that carries very bad karma and I don't want to incur more karmic debt than I have to.