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Employed again ... Finally

All these background checks have been crazy. You'd think I'd be guarding the president. LOL! Anyhow, I start training on Tuesday, Dec 8th.
Day 1 came and went fairly smoothly. Of course it's just orientation/training, but so far so good. This is the first 8 hour day that I've worked in quite some time and I'm tired out. Hoping sleep comes quickly and easily.
How did the test go? When do you find out the results?
I failed the test on the parallel parking exercise because they trained me on a space larger than the actual one on test day. Honestly, this was really cheap because my trainer told me that I was being trained under identical conditions to that of the test.

When parallel parking in the real world, you have multiple points of reference of varying height and depth. It's difficult when you have only 4 cones that come into and out of view for the test.

Since I wasn't trained properly for the test, they aren't going to charge me for the re-take and additional training. All of this aggravation just to get a Passenger endorsement added to my Class A CDL. Never mind that I'm rated and able to drive much larger and heavier vehicles than the examiner. Really, they should just require a road test if you already hold a CDL A.

Re-training happens on Monday. Re-take is Tuesday. The test is a three part one: pre-trip vehicle inspection, skills, and road. The upshot is that since I had my CDL prior to June 15th of this year, I fall under the old testing procedures so I won't have to re-take the parts I passed. So, at least no pre-trip but I'm still upset. I hate being evaluated while I drive. And to top it all off, wind-driven rain is in the forecast for test day. [emoji35]
I failed the test on the parallel parking exercise because they trained me on a space larger than the actual one on test day. Honestly, this was really cheap because my trainer told me that I was being trained under identical conditions to that of the test.

When parallel parking in the real world, you have multiple points of reference of varying height and depth. It's difficult when you have only 4 cones that come into and out of view for the test.

Since I wasn't trained properly for the test, they aren't going to charge me for the re-take and additional training. All of this aggravation just to get a Passenger endorsement added to my Class A CDL. Never mind that I'm rated and able to drive much larger and heavier vehicles than the examiner. Really, they should just require a road test if you already hold a CDL A.

Re-training happens on Monday. Re-take is Tuesday. The test is a three part one: pre-trip vehicle inspection, skills, and road. The upshot is that since I had my CDL prior to June 15th of this year, I fall under the old testing procedures so I won't have to re-take the parts I passed. So, at least no pre-trip but I'm still upset. I hate being evaluated while I drive. And to top it all off, wind-driven rain is in the forecast for test day. [emoji35]

Stay strong! You're almost there! And quite a break you caught not having to pay for the re-take and the training! Don't get upset to the point where it is affecting your sensory integration - you want to make sure your head and your nerves are clear when you're behind the wheel! Knock 'em dead!
Stay strong! You're almost there! And quite a break you caught not having to pay for the re-take and the training! Don't get upset to the point where it is affecting your sensory integration - you want to make sure your head and your nerves are clear when you're behind the wheel! Knock 'em dead!
I will. I don't know that I caught a break but it is more like a giant ass covering. Companies are fearful of litigation in face of blatant error. I'm more relaxed now.
I will. I don't know that I caught a break but it is more like a giant ass covering. Companies are fearful of litigation in face of blatant error. I'm more relaxed now.

Look who has the upper hand, now, then! Or, as Ted Stryker says in the classic film "Airplane!", "Looks like the foot's on the other hand now, doesn't it!!!???"
Today the I was in the good graces of the testing gods. I passed my Class A Passenger Bus Endorsement test. Yeehaw!

Hey guys! I've begun driving and I like it. The route I've been assigned is a mini bus one. My passengers don't say a word other than hello and goodbye. Basically I work a split shift, 3 hours in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. It is so nice having a large chunk of free time during the day.

My supervisor told me that I could have this as a regular assignment Tuesday through Friday if I wanted it. Absolutely.

And to top it off, my SSDI claim was approved so I won't be allowed to work more than 24 hours in a week anyway. The job is a win-win situation. Now, I just have to find a way not to alienate my supervisor.

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