How long should one person do a certain job then require the company to pay them what industry standards are for that job? Right now, lately, I have been funding/purchasing mortgage loans yet company has not paid me but what they hired me for which was a clerk so get files ready for approval. I should get 5k more to do this new job I have been doing
I think 1 - 3 years at least is a good time to prove yourself. 3 months is a bit short for an increase, unless you have leverage with another (pending) job offer in another company that pays more. Of course, it seems the company r your particular boss is making you miserable on the other hand. So, maybe the professional "pushing" is good. It is risky, but in your situation might be worth it to consider asking another boss of another department about your interest in changing. Just say things like you'll most likely be a better fit in the new company. Don't say anything negative about the current department or the company you're in.