Everything bad men do, women have always done, but the fact that it is less often is debatable as it largely goes unnoticed for one reason or another and that needs to be represented her for a true definition of equality, for what is a discussion about equality if both sides are not represented equally, the question was "can man and woman be equal" and in my experience, questions like this somehow dissolve into how evil men are. I encourage men to stand up to be counted and put your two cents worth in and ladies; have a closer look at the flip side of the coin ; ]
The male and female of any species will never be equal, until the male can create life inside themselves! Until then you are the superior!
This now is the way the world works, women make babies, to which men say, "**** we can't do that so we better protect the ones that can".
Man then takes the reigns and makes the decisions to protect the women from the harsh realities of life, but women think they are missing out.
Man becomes annoyed at the fact that women want everything a man has PLUS the ability to create life, now how is that fair and/ or equal he asks.
Fast forward to today, women have everything men have, they do everything men do and still complain because they also want to be treated like women.
Simple fact; you fought tooth and nail to get what you wanted and now you got it you want more, well there isn't any more! This is what mans world is like.
The male is actually not still keeping the female down, male existence has always been a fight, men fight about everything among themselves to establish a hierarchy and now you've entered that domain you have to start at the bottom like all men do and then fight to get to the top, you do not get to be the king straight out of the gate which is what women think equality is.
Men hunt and shag and eat meat and all the other manly things that men do and you want to be our equal, first off that is lowering yourself into the muck man is trying to protect you from, then that also means going up against males in competition for the same prizes, and...
That also means having to sacrifice the things that make man want to protect you, because man cannot protect a rival, which is what you now are by your own choice.
But herein lies the rub, because you want big strong, tough, unflinching manly man to do all the nurturing things that go against his nature, you tell him he simply must and then you force the role on him and then get upset when he cannot do it all as well as you can, but the few men who succeed are not lauded and worshipped for their having adapted, instead, they then suffer through similar things from women that women say they face from men, which is irony in itself and this contributes to why men are as they are today, in a limbo state and I think without clear boundaries man loses sight of what matters.
Females tell males they have to make laws for this that and the other thing and man does it against his better judgement, you can’t fish there, you can eat that, you can look at women but not touch.
This is like forcing a killer whale to have a person balance on his top lip for a few minutes at hourly intervals 365 days a year and then getting upset when the whale bites someone one time in say five years, it had to happen eventually when you subjugate another creature to your will, same goes for crocodiles or white tigers or sharks. And man. Except there are billions of men on the planet playing nice and trying to do what women want and so there are so many more of them to act out occasionally, raping or bashing their antagonists, is it right? No. but that isn't the issue here.
Look everywhere throughout history and what you will find is a man in charge and a woman behind the scenes directing him how to do it!
Men are aggressive and loud and painful and rude and forceful and so much more but man does it all for everyone to see because he knows everybody is watching, whereas women do everything they do in secret over long periods of time with nobody seeing what is really going on and there will be toes stepped on and blood spilled but it isn't ever traced back to the women because there is always some bloke there to take the blame.
You only have to look at the way men and women argue!
A man will engage in argument and shout and rant and rave but he always has a limited view of things, he is limited to the relevant facts which he shouts to make clear. He may resort to violence to emphasize his lack of argument in the face of the simple facts being blatantly ignored, but if he yells or goes ape (watch gorillas argue) then he calms down as quick and it's done, now let’s have sex and a few beers.
A woman will engage in an argument and cloud the issue with other facts and feelings that have no relevance to the matter at hand, she will trot out past indiscretions or misdemeanours as example which further belittles the man and then she will scoff at his inability to be as manipulative. Sometimes the man walks away when things become too heated (as any decent person should) and what does the woman do? Follows and continues the argument! A lot of times the woman will let the matter drop so the man thinks he has prevailed and that is when the real argument begins because that little dispute will be brought up at odd times over the coming years or in other arguments as an example or... for truly, no reason at all.
It very much seems to me that the facts are always on hand for the detriment to women in all quarter and across history but not so readily available for the same against men, it is not that it isn't atrocious what is happening to women but it is sad that that is all people are worried about when we talk about equality, there are also men in the same boat as women in every aspect of detriment perpetrated by men and while it is less that doesn’t make it any less sensational, couple that with the fact that, again, much less so, there are men in the same boat as women in every aspect of detriment perpetrated by men but instead the perpetrator is a woman, but because it doesn’t happen as often it should be dismissed?
Take any bad act that happens to a women by a man and have a woman do that same thing to a man, now apply what you know about the roles in society of males and females (and yes there is a distinct male and female identity), and honestly tell me it isn't going to be worse for the man when you put those two acts side by side, it is worse and make no mistake but, yet again, volume outweighs honesty. Because it happens more to females, by definition it must be worse.
Where are the statistics of female domestic violence, female murder, female child abuse, female pedophiles, female/ male rape?