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Ever present film grain effect, normal for everyone? Normal with autism? Something else?

Mine is bright silver and zig-zags like this:
Mine is bright silver and zig-zags like this:
View attachment 89819
That is probably a bit more accurate to my experience too. The void in vision where everything is blurry or unintelligible is on the opposite side (left), in my case. It starts off small then slowly grows to cover the majority of my central vision.

It looks pretty terrifying, particularly since similar things can happen when more serious things are going on. I guess it's one of those experiences where it's important to keep in mind it's likely nothing. But if you've never experienced it before or only experienced it when something more serious was in fact happening, you can understand why it can be frightening.
A lot of people suffer from tinnitus. I wouldn't associate it with autism. I associate a glow or starburst effect around bright lights with cataracts.
Lasik gave me this, except for the cataracts. Its only noticeable on very bright objects in the dark. I can life with it and i don't regret getting surgery, its better than my glasses.

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