Keep yourself preoccupied. Focusing on breathing techniques as mentioned previously can help. Probably because it's a distraction and also gets more oxygen into your body.
In general you need to spend less time dedicated to anxiety which is a simple statement that takes a lot of time and effort to eventually master. I had anxiety symptoms for a very long time, but eventually got them to the point where they occur a lot less frequently. The pattern eventually emerged that symptoms would often last as long as I fixated on them. One symptom would often replace another and my focus shifted onto the new pain or symptom.
A stressed mind often leads to a stressed body. Don't respond to it with more stress, or you'll simply be promoting more aches, pains and symptoms.
If a symptom is there, don't fixate on it. Go about your day and do your utmost to not let symptoms ruin your enjoyment or plans for each day. Anxiety is a part of everyone and it's as strong and dominant as we allow it to be. As with anything - the more time invested in it, the better you become at it. When you're busy, or distracted or having a nice time the symptom is probably causing minimal upset, or might disappear for a while entirely.
Accepting it is due to anxiety is another big factor. If you're assuming it could be due to other causes, or could escalate into something worse - then once again you're focusing your attention on the anxiety and symptoms. This will in turn make the symptoms last longer or possibly feel more intense.
Time, focus and negative emotions are what empower these symptoms. So you need to spend your time, focus on other things that will help promote positive emotions. At the end of the day everyone's approach will be different, but the common denominator with symptoms born of stress is that they will continue to get worse if you invest more and more time thinking about them or heightening your anxiety.
Often what we get most anxious about is things we have no control over. So focus on what you can affect and do your best
to enjoy yourself. After all - it's all about perspective. Often the biggest burdens in life are the one's we put on ourselves.