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Explaining weird NT rituals

There's a simple protocol for the scenario you described in the OP.
You're an Aspie - you didn't learn it organically when you were young.
Now you're an Aspie adult - learn it now.

There are additional protocols that can be merged in this exchange. For example you might get an F -> M "finger wave" in some circumstances, a "#2 bro nod" from a guy working on the same project, etc.

But it'd all part of the same behavioral domain. Humans are tribal - you acknowledge other members of your tribe.
So - having done it fairly successfully for over 50 years, I think I've learned it. I have scripts for which script to use, and flowcharts for tactfully backtracing, and enough meaningful hang gestures to outfit a secret society.

I do it. I recognize the need it fills. I accept it.. Point is, I don't like being the one who always does the modifications. I am, it is, that's what's what (existential existential existential).

I still don't like it. So there :) .

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