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Face reading from eastern europe to help aspies


Jewish man kissing a Catholic woman....
A grizzled old Rom [Gypsy] woman taught me face reading. NOT the emotional aspects of people BUT THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF FACE READING and some body language. It has helped me tremendously in business and also in personal situations. Maybe it can help you. Do you know what it means when people have large eyes or small eyes? Can you read a person's eyes and decode their whole personality?

Woman for thousands of years have passed on their knowledge to their daughters and grand daughters etc. BEWARE! 50% of what Psychologists with PhD who write about face reading might be WRONG! Why? Because they were not taught by their mother who was taught by their grandmother.

I'm not here to read your whole face. While I have done that and can to a certain degree, it's time consuming. So I'll answer simple questions and hope you WILL go to google and take on this study yourself. So...do you have any questions per face reading? I feel this skill helps Aspies avoid bad situations/people and find good people.
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Faces all look strangely alike to me. Recognizing someone in the first place is a big challenge what with all the new hairstyles, clothing, makeup & hats etc. people wear. It is like recognizing someone in a flippin' disguise! Once I've recognizing them, reading their face is impossible for me. I get distracted by what kind of earring they have or the weird pattern in their scarf. More than once, I didn't recognize my own son upon seeing him out of context! Does your Rom pal have any facial recognition software under her turban? I could use some!
Start with the eyes-large eyes = large heart.
Small eyes = good in business.

Do the eyes have a lot of energy? That equals charisma, determination etc.

Are the eyes peaceful or full of hate?

STUDY this for 6 months Study photos of celebrities online...study the EYES ;)

Since I was a professional photographer I got to look at & study many eyes. That helped me though I wish face reading could have helped me further per my Aspieness. Soup there are Scientists & Anthropologists who write about HUMAN FOREHEADS. That is all face reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take baby steps. THIS IS NOT ABOUT READING EMOTIONS. The first step is to recognize small things...pretty soon you can tell by people's body languages that they have an injury to their left leg...or are in pain even while smiling etc. I'm still studying this
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I challenge you! Send me a closeup of your face where your eyes are easy to see and I will tell you your personality ;)

Faces all look strangely alike to me. Recognizing someone in the first place is a big challenge what with all the new hairstyles, clothing, makeup & hats etc. people wear. It is like recognizing someone in a flippin' disguise! Once I've recognizing them, reading their face is impossible for me. I get distracted by what kind of earring they have or the weird pattern in their scarf. More than once, I didn't recognize my own son upon seeing him out of context! Does your Rom pal have any facial recognition software under her turban? I could use some!
I am intrigued Sparticus. When you say large eyes, do you mean the eye in proportion to the rest of the face, or that they aren't squinting, I.e. eyes are wide open?

Alas I will not be posting a photo of myself, but I will wait too see if anyone else does.
Christy I mean the size of the eyes in proportion to the rest of the face. I want to be careful not to insult anyone here. Also if someone has large eyes that is not a guarantee they are a good person. They could be a serial killer. So judging someone by their eyes/face can be dangerous and might not work.

But I have used this in business interactions and have found it to be successful more than not.
Of course, I had a Coach...who when I was not at work would give me advice based on the facial descriptions and body language I told her.
Aha! So...you won't tell me your "sample size" eh?! ;)

Online it's easier for me to face read. But writing up an essay takes me FOREVER! At times I can be a slow writer and it can take me 2 days.
Offline my nervous system might be too shocked for me to really scrutinize someone. I might notice the general physical aspects of someone's face. But because of nervousness, fail to notice a LOT. Even after meeting someone in person many times I still socially might be off balanced...and then one day wham!

I notice a VERY prominant facial feature that changes my whole opinion of the person. And then realize why they have been cold to me. Because their face told me but I wasn't looking... ;)

I am intrigued Sparticus. When you say large eyes, do you mean the eye in proportion to the rest of the face, or that they aren't squinting, I.e. eyes are wide open?

Alas I will not be posting a photo of myself, but I will wait too see if anyone else does.
Check out the photos-Green, Sepia, red colors CHANGE OUR PERCEPTIONS of our emotions and perceptions.


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Large, medium and small eyes...what do they mean?



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Interesting post Ste11aeres! That's exactly what I'm talking about-gauging people via physical characteristics of their face. Same thing the book & website you have recommended do! Just checked out the website & different parts of a horses face is judged. Amazing, I didn't know anyone had done face reading with horses.

HorseCentric: Reading your horse's face

I had a book about reading a horse's personality from it's face. Getting in TTouch: Understand and Influence Your Horse's Personality: Linda Tellington-Jones, Sybil Taylor: 9781570760181: Amazon.com: Books
Here's a blog by somebody who tried it out on their own horse.
HorseCentric: Reading your horse's face
Soup your post is perfect for this thread per Aspies and face reading! I know how you feel as I was & to a large degree am still just like you! Often I'm so overwhelmed by things, details, voices etc etc etc that I forget to read someone's face or forget other things. I had to reread your post and fully understand what you meant.

Here's what helped me as I was hopeless: I had a face reading "Coach" for 5 years. Start small-it took me a LONG time to catch up! Start simple-try to notice 1 thing about people's faces. Whether it's the size of their eyes, nose or lips, try to concentrate every once in awhile. "Ok what did Sparticus say? Oh yeah the eyes..."

Basically it's like rote memory, you keep doing it, have someone help you/talk to someone about it...learn a little more and keep repeating. Pretty soon this will morph into people's body language, what clothes they are wearing, if they are a danger to you etc. However I'm not an expert and still many times, because of Aspergers, in the moment will miss out reading someone's face.
Then later I'll wonder why they were so cold/aloof to me...and read their face.

The answer to why they were aloof was staring at me in the face all along ;)

***there's only 1 thing you need to learn face reading. The WILL to learn! If you have a burning curiosity to learn this then you can. And I can help you. Good luck!

Faces all look strangely alike to me. Recognizing someone in the first place is a big challenge what with all the new hairstyles, clothing, makeup & hats etc. people wear. It is like recognizing someone in a flippin' disguise! Once I've recognizing them, reading their face is impossible for me. I get distracted by what kind of earring they have or the weird pattern in their scarf. More than once, I didn't recognize my own son upon seeing him out of context! Does your Rom pal have any facial recognition software under her turban? I could use some!
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Can face reading help Aspie women avoid trouble with guys?

Imagine if you could decipher someone's PHYSICAL characteristics, get a gut feeling and decide a man might be dangerous to you! I'm not selling anything nor do I guarantee results. But what I do guarantee is if you study face reading-the physical characteristics of a face and what they mean, you will be in a much better position to judge someone.

Of course it doesn't always work. No one knows if someone with a good face can actually be a killer! Yikes. But for me I have found using face reading had helped me in business. Or at least has given me some advanced knowledge of a person's personality. Remember I'm not a Master at this. But for me it has worked countless times & there are people I refuse to get close to based on their facial features.
Can face reading help Aspie women avoid trouble with guys?

Imagine if you could decipher someone's PHYSICAL characteristics, get a gut feeling and decide a man might be dangerous to you! I'm not selling anything nor do I guarantee results. But what I do guarantee is if you study face reading-the physical characteristics of a face and what they mean, you will be in a much better position to judge someone.

Of course it doesn't always work. No one knows if someone with a good face can actually be a killer! Yikes. But for me I have found using face reading had helped me in business. Or at least has given me some advanced knowledge of a person's personality. Remember I'm not a Master at this. But for me it has worked countless times & there are people I refuse to get close to based on their facial features.
For those who have one I would use the dog test if their dog does not like them they are trouble! Animals have an amazing gift for knowing that!
What does this picture mean to you? He is smart [large forehead] he likes sex [sensous lips + lines beneath nose] he has medium eyes [?] has a good male chin etc. This person is considered good looking via society...how can you use that information? Would you trust this person? My answer 50-50. Maybe yes, maybe no. Is this person dedicated?

This person does not have a noticable male eyebrow ridge. However I have covered that in intelligence signs.
Is this person empathic to your needs? Remember it tooks me YEARS to understand the very basics of phyisical face reading & I'm still learning.

Certainly you could say this person is talented. The eyes show a good energy level. This person has medium ears. Large ears = long life. Small ears lower on the head = signs of nobility. WARNING!!!!!! This picture is from google. Imo the writing on this photo is pretty much accurate. This is not a person you want to be enemies with!
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert at face reading nor is my intention to give a full face reading. That takes me too long to type and retype.


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What do you think of this picture? Can any of this one day help you? This is imo a rather complicated picture for beginning face readers. I just found it on Google associated with the below link. I have not yet fully studied the picture but it is making strong assertions about personality types associated with faces. The faces that were described as more open or trusting did appear that way to me. Ok that was a quick gut feeling.

Face Reading, Personality, and Attractiveness - Personality Junkie

PS: aaawww humbug! photo comes up as too small to read...


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Okay...So, I took a look at the photos of all those guys. The high openness guy & the low openness guy below him looked like clones of each other! Actually, all those guys looked like the same guy with slight changes I could not quite put a finger on. The low integrity (or whatever word they used) guy looked like a 5 Kg heavier version of the neurotic guy. The neurotic guy & Mr. Emotional Stability looked utterly identical to me as well. What I did notice in the photos, however, were some hairline configuration changes. Some of them have a straight hairline, sometimes it is slightly curved & in others it has a slight widow's peak.

Is there evidence of high reliability in this? It reminds me of old-fashioned head-lump reading & stereotypes that reflect cultural/ethnic aesthetic preferences. For instance, it used to be believed that people with lower hairlines were less intelligent. Bill Gates, Steven Hawking & Einstein have (had) comparatively lower foreheads. Large open (especially blue) eyes meant an honest, decent sort. Several of our era's most notorious serial killers had large blue eyes. THis misconception probably helped them con their victims into a false sense of safety! People who 'look you in the eye' were perceived as honest too. This led to prejudicial misunderstandings between Westerners & many Asians because in many Asian cultures, 'eyeballing' someone is considered to be rude: these people were not being dishonest: they were trying to show politeness!

Slanted/squinty looking eyes were considered duplicitous, dangerous & dishonest. Again, this was not a fact: just another Western prejudice. The same is true of what is called in the justice system, 'the halo effect'. We are so accustomed to images of hero/angel figures as having golden hair & blue eyes that blue-eyed defendants get significantly lighter sentences for the same crimes. They are seldom condemned to death even when the sentence is legally warranted. When they are witnesses in cases, they are more likely to be believed than are darker (even brunette, brown-eyed whites) witnesses. As is obvious, this leaves dark-skinned black guys with slanting eyes in deep doo-doo justice-wise! THese ingrained biases are so prevalent that police mount searches more rapidly when a little blonde girl disappears compared to when a brunette girl does. SCARY!!!

Many green-eyed redheads were burnt as witches because green eyes were reminiscent of cats, who were allegedly the devil's minions (Really! I $#!T you not!) & red hair was like hell-fire (the fact that fire of the same colour provided life-saving warmth & cooked their meals was lost on them...). Said green eyed unfortunates were also considered to be greedy & envious! The thicker lips of black men were taken as signs of rapacious sensuality, meaning they would lose all control & rape any white women (for some reason this only applied to an effect triggered by whit women...) they could get a hold of.

I'm extremely careful about any assumptions whatsoever about a person based upon their genetically-determined facial features. There was a woman in a class we teachers had to take at Uni recently as ordered by the education minister. You would swear up & down that she had Down Syndrome. She had the classic facial features of the syndrome. She wore thick glasses, had an oddly shaped head & head & jawline. She was trilingual & also had a MA in Education! She was just odd-looking!

Hollywood has also done a great disservice in perpetuating negative & fearsome stereotypes about unusual-looking people. Evil characters are often burn victims, walk with a limp or lurch, have asymmetrical features or have some other 'disfigurement'. Albinos, too, have been typecast. Think of all the movies you have seen where there is an evil genius bad guy. How often does said bad guy have an unusually articulate way of speaking (never trust anyone smarter than yourself: smart folks are tricky & nuts!) How often does that bad guy have a 'foreign' (read current or former enemy of America) accent? Often, the evil genius sounds vaguely British (like many of us Canucks) or East European. These subconscious responses to these traits do not seem to reflect any scientific realities, but years of conditioning & indoctrination with our culture's prejudices. If you go to another part of the world, as a woman, if you look a man in the eyes (& I do not mean flirtatiously or staring) it is taken to be a direct come-on! Seriously! As a woman, you must avert your glance. If you smile at all at one, it means the same thing. Overly large open eyes can indicate a greedy person. My husband is from a once Communist society. When he was growing up, a person who smiled was either not serious, a simpleton or a lunatic! A severe scowl was the right expression for both males & females. It just seems to me that the margin for error with face-reading would be too high.

I won’t comment on the phots because here it appears too small. Reliability-PhD psychologists write books on this, millions of people in various cultures & senior Salespeople/those who have worked with the public for decades agree. Google has websites with professionals who believe in face reading.

The Olive skinned minority woman that taught me face reading is not a racist.. Neither am I a racist or advocate racist statements here. Those who have never met an expert Face reader are unaware that our faces tell a story. Face reading has saved my life many times & I believe it might help out other people with Aspergers.

I already offered to teach you face reading for free; waiving my customary $50 million dollar fee! ;)
Okay... Actually, all those guys looked like the same guy with slight changes I could not quite put a finger on.
A lot of the slight changes are because of slight differences in the expressions on their face.
Very slight differences in the way they held the muscles of their face. That's a slightly different thing than genetically determined features.

While I'm not offering any arguments in favor of face reading, your examples don't prove that it's not valid...there is a huge difference between the readings based on subtle expression-influenced traits in the pictures Sparticus has shown, and the stupid misreadings you mentioned based on invalid stereotypes.

P.S. Sparticus, the picture comes up very large on my computer.
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