In its most basic definition, yes, there is a bit of discrimination, but in my case, it's a two-way street. They are not like me, and I don't want to be like them. So, even though I can get along great with just about everyone, there's an invisible wall up between us.You ever feel like you being discriminated by people who are different than you?
this is my situation. Though they don’t say anything, I can feel something
despite doing well in school and life, they keeping putting labels on me
saying things like ”you can’t do this.” “You shouldn’t act like this.”
they keep trying to put me in a cage, because I have shown I have the ability to fight. I will not comply, I will not surrender, I refuse to die out
I will never be a part of them, and I’m ok with it
anyways, enough with the rambling. Anyone else feel like they have been discriminated because of their ethnicity/ skin color/ differences? Just cuz we are different doesn’t mean we are monsters
Professionally: Lead by example. Those that are the best, do it different than the rest. As frustrating as it may be that all of your NT peers tend to hold you back professionally, you can stand out by setting your own "bar" that exceeds theirs. Policies and procedures and practice are often dictated by the weakest individuals in your profession, and they hold everyone else back. You just have to make a conscious effort to separate yourself from that. Eventually, people with authority will recognize this, your peers with recognize this, and the few that like to complain or give you "push back" will always be there. Keep raising your own bar and forget them, for they are often fools. Sometimes it's not a bad idea to operate at a higher level than others, becoming a resource and a mentor, even if it means a bit of solitude.