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Fall photography

i am trying to understand is this sarcasm.

No, I'm a spring and summer person. I know many people like the autumn colors and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just not one of those people. My hedges should be green, not red and orange. I like green.
No, I'm a spring and summer person. I know many people like the autumn colors and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just not one of those people. Hedges should be green, not red and orange. I like green.
arent there some evergreen hedges? 🤔
arent there some evergreen hedges? 🤔

Yes, and I have actually been looking into that recently. Planting some evergreen hedges next summer. The one in the picture is an old Cotoneaster hedge, it has been there for decades.
Yes, and I have actually been looking into that recently. Planting some evergreen hedges next summer. The one in the picture is an old Cotoneaster hedge, it has been there for decades.
so some new planting project for you then :)

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